Medium-Term RFP

The IESO will continue to run a series of cadenced medium-term RFPs every two to three years, with flexible five-year commitment periods to secure resources with expiring contracts. Future medium-term RFPs will continue to evolve based on system needs and will likely see increased resource eligibility and competition. Procurement designs will continue to be shaped by input from stakeholders through IESO’s ongoing engagements.

The second medium-term procurement (MT2 RFP) will aim to re-commit existing resources with contracts expiring over the 2026-2029 period, which are best positioned to cost-effectively meet energy and capacity needs emerging late this decade and into the early 2030s. The MT2 RFP will include both capacity and energy streams, and proposals will be evaluated on price.

MT2 RFP Updates

The MT2(e) RFP’s and MT2(c) RFP’s Proposal Submission Deadline has passed (January 16, 2025 at 3:00 P.M.-EPT) and the IESO is now reviewing the submitted Proposals.  

Please note, The IESO is providing the following minor edits regarding final MT2(e) RFP and MT2(c) RFP documents and forms: 

The IESO and stakeholders have identified a small number of minor conforming edits to the MT2(e) RFP and MT2(c) RFP and certain Prescribed Forms listed below. The IESO confirms that it considers these to be non-substantive and that these discrepancies will not serve as the basis for the failure of any Proposal under either the MT2(e) RFP or the MT2(c) RFP.  

  • In the MT2(e) RFP Prescribed Form: Proponent Information, Declarations and Workbook, in Section #3, declaration item 2 where it states: “The Contract Capacity is equal to or less than the Nameplate Capacity as set out in Section 2.1(a) and 3.7(a) of the MT2(e) RFP.”,  the section references in this statement should be replaced with reference to Section 2.1(b) and Section 3.4(a) of the MT2(e) RFP.
  • In Appendix D of the MT2(e) RFP (Form of Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit), the reference to “Suite 1600” should be replaced with “Suite 1800”.
  • In Appendix D of the MT2(e) RFP (Form of Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit), the reference to and definition of the MT2(e) RFP in the first paragraph should be revised as follows: “The Credit is issued in connection with the Beneficiary’s Request for Proposals dated November 15, 2024, as amended, to solicit capacity services from new-build facilities in Ontario (the “MT2(e) RFP”)….”
  • In Appendix D of the MT2(c) RFP (Form of Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit), the reference to and definition of the MT2(c) RFP in the first paragraph should be revised as follows: “The Credit is issued in connection with the Beneficiary’s Request for Proposals dated November 15, 2024, as amended, to solicit capacity services from new-build facilities in Ontario (the “MT2(c) RFP”)….”

If Proposal Security has already been issued by a financial institution with the struck wording above included, please note the IESO will not reject a Proposal Security solely on the basis of this wording.  

Please note the following MT2 Communication Protocol is now in place.

MT2 Communication Protocol

During the competitive MT2 RFP process, the IESO must adhere to a very strict communication protocol, as set out in Section 3.5 of the MT2(c) and MT2(e) RFP, as applicable, to maintain the integrity and fairness of the process for all participants. In cases of breach of the communications rules, the IESO may, in its Discretion, disqualify a Proponent or revoke the status of a Proponent, as the case may be. We encourage you to review the MT2(c) and MT2(e) RFP, as applicable, and Section 3.5 in particular, for the communication rules during the procurement process. Should you have a question, comment or require clarification, please submit your question or comment by email to Any correspondence received outside this process will be unanswered and further attempts to communicate outside of the MT2 RFP rules may result in disqualification under the MT2 RFP.

Any general enquiries regarding the MT2 RFP can be sent to

Engaging Stakeholders


The Medium-Term 2 Energy and Capacity request for proposals ("MT2 RFPs") and the statements and information contained therein, are based on the proposed design as of the date of posting and remain subject to amendment following the process set out in the MT2 RFPs. Nothing in the MT2 RFPs, or the posting thereof, obligates the IESO to continue or conduct the procurement process contemplated herein, or any other procurement process. Nothing in the posted MT2 RFPs or contracts constitutes, nor shall it be construed to constitute, an agreement, guarantee, representation, or warranty, express or implied, on behalf of the IESO. The IESO provides no such agreement, guarantee, representation, or warranty and disclaims any and all liability associated therewith. In the event there is any conflict or inconsistency between the MT2 RFPs or contracts, and the IESO market rules, any legislation or regulation, the terms in the market rules, legislation, or regulation as applicable, govern.

MT2 RFP Procurement Documents

MT2(c) RFP – Medium Term 2 – Capacity Stream

  1. MT2(c) RFP – Addendum #1 (December 20, 2024)
  2. MT2(c) RFP (Revised November 15, 2024)
  3. MT2(c) RFP – Blackline to October 22 draft (November 15, 2024)
  4. MT2(c) Contract (Revised November 15, 2024)
  5. MT2(c) Contract – Blackline to October 22 draft (November 15, 2024)
  6. MT2 RFP Capacity and Energy Qualification Guidance Document (August 19, 2024)
  7. Prescribed Form: Proponent Information, Declarations and Workbook (Capacity) – MT2(c)PF-PI100 (November 15, 2024)
  8. Proposal Workbook (Capacity) – MT2(c)PF-PW100 (November 15, 2024)
  9. Prescribed Form: Economic Bid Statement (Capacity) – MT2(c)PF-EB100 (November 15, 2024)
  10. Prescribed Form: Notice of Proposal Withdrawal (Capacity) - MT2(c)PF-NW100(November 15, 2024)
  11. Proposal Security Tool (August 28, 2024)

MT2(e) RFP – Medium Term 2 – Energy Stream

  1. MT2(e) RFP – Addendum #1 (December 20, 2024)
  2. MT2(e) RFP (Revised November 15, 2024)
  3. MT2(e) RFP – Blackline to October 22 draft (November 15, 2024)
  4. MT2(e) Contract (Revised November 15, 2024)
  5. MT2(e) Contract – Blackline to October 22 draft (November 15, 2024)
  6. MT2 RFP Capacity and Energy Qualification Guidance Document (August 19, 2024)
  7. Prescribed Form: Proponent Information, Declarations and Workbook (Energy) – MT2(e)PF-PI100 (November 15, 2024)
  8. Proposal Workbook (Energy) – MT2(e)PF-PW200 (December 20, 2024)
  9. Prescribed Form: Economic Bid Statement (Energy) – MT2(e)PF-EB100 (November 15, 2024)
  10. Prescribed Form: Notice of Proposal Withdrawal (Energy) - MT2(e)PF-NW100 (November 15, 2024)
  11. Proposal Security Tool (August 28, 2024)
  12. Fixed Price Tool (Energy) (November 15, 2024)

MT2 Questions and Responses

MT I RFP Archived Documents

Procurement Documents

Procurement Resources

Procurement Webinars

The IESO has concluded the first medium-term RFP, and has entered into MTC I Contracts, each with a five-year term, with one wind and four natural gas facilities. Together these facilities contribute more than 700 MW of capacity to the system, ensuring ongoing value from previous investments in supply. See the MT1 RFP Results Table. 

This supply will be available between 2024 – 2026, at a lower cost than previous contracts. This procurement complements other IESO supply acquisition activities to meet reliability targets over the same timeframe.

The IESO will continue to run a series of cadenced medium-term RFPs every two to three years, with flexible five-year commitment periods in order to secure resources with expiring contracts. Future medium-term RFPs will evolve based on system needs and will likely see increased resource eligibility and competition. Procurement designs will continue to be shaped by input from stakeholders through the Resource Adequacy Engagement, as well as other IESO assessments and engagements.

MT2 RFP Archived Documents

MT2(c) RFP – Medium Term 2 – Capacity Stream

  1. Prescribed Form: Registration Form (Capacity) – MT2(c)PF-REG100 (December 18, 2024)
  2. Draft MT2(c) RFP (Revised October 22, 2024)
  3. Draft MT2(c) RFP – Blackline to September 20 draft (October 22, 2024)
  4. Draft MT2(c) Contract (Revised October 22, 2024)
  5. Draft MT2(c) Contract – Blackline to September 20 draft (October 22, 2024)
  6. Draft MT2(c) RFP (Revised September 20, 2024)
  7. Draft MT2(c) RFP – Blackline to August 19 draft (September 20, 2024)
  8. Draft MT2(c) Contract (Revised September 20, 2024)
  9. Draft MT2(c) Contract – Blackline to August 28 draft (September 20, 2024)
  10. Draft Prescribed Form: Proponent Information, Declarations and Workbook (Capacity) – MT2(c)PF-PI100 (August 28, 2024)
  11. Draft Proposal Workbook (Capacity) – MT2(c)PF-PW100 (August 28, 2024)
  12. Draft Prescribed Form: Economic Bid Statement (Capacity) – MT2(c)PF-EB100 (August 28, 2024)
  13. Draft Prescribed Form: Notice of Proposal Withdrawal - MT2PF-NW100 (August 28, 2024)

MT2(e) RFP – Medium Term 2 – Energy Stream

  1. Proposal Workbook (Energy) – MT2(e)PF-PW100 (November 15, 2024)
  2. Prescribed Form: Registration Form (Energy) – MT2(e)PF-REG100 (December 18, 2024)
  3. Draft MT2(e) RFP (Revised October 22, 2024)
  4. Draft MT2(e) RFP – Blackline to September 20 draft (October 22, 2024)
  5. Draft MT2(e) Contract (Revised October 22, 2024)
  6. Draft MT2(e) Contract – Blackline to September 20 draft (October 22, 2024)
  7. Draft MT2(e) RFP (Revised September 20, 2024)
  8. Draft MT2(e) RFP – Blackline to August 19 draft (September 20, 2024)
  9. Draft MT2(e) Contract (Revised September 20, 2024)
  10. Draft MT2(e) Contract – Blackline to August 28 draft (September 20, 2024)
  11. Draft Prescribed Form: Proponent Information, Declarations and Workbook (Energy) – MT2(e)PF-PI100 (August 28, 2024)
  12. Draft Proposal Workbook (Energy) – MT2(e)PF-PW100 (August 28, 2024)
  13. Draft Prescribed Form: Economic Bid Statement (Energy) – MT2(e)PF-EB100 (August 28, 2024)
  14. Draft Prescribed Form: Notice of Proposal Withdrawal - MT2PF-NW100 (August 28, 2024)
  15. Fixed Price Tool (Energy) (August 28, 2024)

MT2 Questions and Responses