Medium-Term RFP

The IESO will continue to run a series of cadenced medium-term RFPs every two to three years, with flexible five-year commitment periods to secure resources with expiring contracts. Future medium-term RFPs will continue to evolve based on system needs and will likely see increased resource eligibility and competition. Procurement designs will continue to be shaped by input from stakeholders through IESO’s ongoing engagements.

MT2 RFP Updates

The second medium-term procurement (MT2 RFP) will aim to re-commit existing resources with contracts expiring over the 2026-2029 period, which are best positioned to cost-effectively meet energy and capacity needs emerging late this decade and into the early 2030s. The MT2 RFP will include both capacity and energy streams, and proposals will be evaluated solely on price.

The draft MT2 RFP, draft Contract, draft Prescribed Forms and supporting tools for both energy and capacity streams are now posted.

An engagement session for the MT2 RFP to discuss the draft documents is planned for September 12th, 2024. For further information about upcoming engagement sessions, please visit the IESO’s Medium-Term RFP Stakeholder Engagements webpage.

Any general enquiries regarding the MT2 RFP can be sent to

MT I RFP Archived Documents

Procurement Documents

Procurement Resources

Procurement Webinars

The IESO has concluded the first medium-term RFP, and has entered into MTC I Contracts, each with a five-year term, with one wind and four natural gas facilities. Together these facilities contribute more than 700 MW of capacity to the system, ensuring ongoing value from previous investments in supply. See the MT1 RFP Results Table. 

This supply will be available between 2024 – 2026, at a lower cost than previous contracts. This procurement complements other IESO supply acquisition activities to meet reliability targets over the same timeframe.

The IESO will continue to run a series of cadenced medium-term RFPs every two to three years, with flexible five-year commitment periods in order to secure resources with expiring contracts. Future medium-term RFPs will evolve based on system needs and will likely see increased resource eligibility and competition. Procurement designs will continue to be shaped by input from stakeholders through the Resource Adequacy Engagement, as well as other IESO assessments and engagements.