Contract Data and Reports

The IESO’s contract data tracks and reports on information that can be shared publicly. This includes, but is not limited to, contract status, contract capacity, connection types and locations. The information that is provided here is only that which is permitted to be disclosed under the terms and conditions of the respective contracts.

Note: Contract capacities reflect only that which is under contract with the IESO and may differ from the physical installed capacity of the facilities. For more information about the current installed capacity and the supply mix in Ontario, refer to the Supply Overview web page.

Progress Report on Contracted Electricity Supply

The Progress Report on Contracted Electricity Supply provides information on the contracts procured through various RFP initiatives, negotiations and standard offer programs. It contains graphs, maps, tables and summaries of the contract data. The current report can be accessed at the link below:

For previously published versions of this report, please contact Contract Management at Be sure to specify the report(s) requested, and advise whether it needs to be provided in an accessible format.

IESO Active Generation Contract List

The IESO Active Generation Contract List contains individual contract data for currently active electricity supply projects. The list is limited to generation facilities under contract with the IESO. The current list can be accessed in Excel format at the link below:


  • IESO does not disclose individual microFIT Contract data, however, aggregated microFIT data is available in the Progress Report on Contracted Electricity Supply.
  • Select data elements for certain contract types are redacted based on the terms and conditions of those contracts.