Market Rule Amendment Archive Pre-2012
MR-00384 - Technical Feasibility Exceptions - Maintenance Cost Recovery |
Amendment Proposal R00 - The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by October 13, 2011, using the written submission form. |
MR-00383 - Market Participant Obligation Regarding an Emergency Preparedness Plan |
Amendment Proposal R00 - The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by October 13, 2011, using the written submission form. |
MR-00382 - EDAC Market Rules True-up Package #2 |
Amendment Proposal R00-R02 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by August 4, 2011, using the written submission form. |
Written Submission |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R02 |
MR-00379 - Effective Dates for Reliability Standards |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by May 12, 2011, using the written submission form. |
Written Submission |
MR-00378 - Market Monitors Sharing Confidential Information |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by April 14, 2011, using the written submission form. |
Written Submission |
MR-00377 - Intertie Offer Guarantee (IOG) – Revise Real-Time IOG Offset Calculation |
On May 17, 2011 the Technical Panel determined that the market rule amendment MR-00377 no longer warrants consideration. This amendment is now closed. |
MR-00376 - Market Administration – Replacing PKI Digital Certificates |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by January 13, 2011, using the written submission form. |
MR-00375 - Enhanced Day-Ahead Commitment Process (EDAC) Market Rules True-up |
Amendment Proposal R00-R03 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by March 10, 2011, using the written submission form. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R03 |
MR-00374 - Replacing the Temporary Suspension of CMSC for Constrained-Off Dispatchable Loads |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by October 28, 2010, using the written submission form. |
MR-00372 - Settlements - CMSC and GCG Treatment for Aggregated Facilities |
Amendment Proposal R00-R01 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by October 12, 2010, using the written submission form. |
Written Submission |
MR-00371 - Settlements: Generation Station Service Rebate (GSSR) |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by July 29, 2010, using the written submission form. |
MR-00370 - Limiting CMSC Payments for Exporters and Dispatchable Loads |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by July 29, 2010, using the written submission form. |
Written Submissions |
MR-00369 - Dispute Resolution - Changes to Dispute Resolution Panel |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by March 25, 2010, using the written submission form. |
MR-00368 - Market Administration - Harmonized Sales Tax |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Panel by March 4, using the written submission form. |
MR-00367 - Settlements: Maximum Adjustment Period |
On August 17, 2010 the Technical Panel determined that market rule amendment MR-00367 no longer warrants consideration. This amendment is now closed. |
MR-00366 - Compliance: Technical Feasibility Exceptions |
Amendment Proposal R00-R01 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Panel by March 4, using the written submission form. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R01 |
MR-00365 - Settlement of Transmission Tariff for Embedded Generation Facilities |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Panel by January 14, 2010 using the written submission form. |
MR-00364 - Allowing Non-Generation Resources to Provide Regulation |
Amendment Proposal R00-R04 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Panel by December 23, 2009, using the written submission form. |
Written Submissions |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R04 |
MR-00363 - Surplus Baseload Generation - Synchronization of Non Quick-Start Facilities and Commissioning Units |
MR-00362 - Centralized Forecasting for Variable Generation |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by April 7, 2011, using the written submission form. |
Written Submission |
Amendment Proposal R01 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by May 12, 2011, using the written submission form. |
Written Submission |
Written Submission |
Written Submission |
Written Submission |
MR-00360 - CMSC resulting from IESO Action and Binding Net Interchange Scheduling Limit |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Panel by October 7, 2009, using the written submission form. |
MR-00359 - Generation Facility Requirements - Change to Facilitate Connections |
Amendment Proposal R00-R01 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Panel by December 23, 2009, using the written submission form. |
Written Submissions |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R01 |
MR-00357 - Minor Amendment Omnibus 2009 |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the MR-00357-R00 proposal and submit any comments to the Panel by April 30th, 2009 using the written submission form. Stakeholders should be aware that because the proposed amendments are minor, if no substantive comments are submitted, a Panel recommendation of the proposal will automatically be made and the proposal submitted to the IESO Board for approval. |
MR-00356 - Interim Changes to Real-Time and Day-Ahead Generation Cost Guarantee Programs |
Amendment Proposal R00-R02 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by July 13, 2009, using the written submission form. |
Written Submissions |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R02 |
MR-00355 - Provision of Prudential Support: Sale of Registered Facilities and Expiring Letters of Credit |
Amendment Proposal R00-R03 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the amendment submission and the draft amendment proposal and to provide comments by January 22, 2009 using the written submission form. |
Written Submissions |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R03 |
MR-00353 - IESO Publication Requirements - Generator Disclosure Reports, TR Auction Results |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by April 8, 2010, using the written submission form. |
MR-00352 - Settlement Aggregation |
Amendment Submission Q00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the amendment submission, as well as the list of outstanding issues, and provide comments by January 22, 2009 using the written submission form. The Panel is particularly interested in comments regarding whether or not there are any unidentified ‘outstanding issues’ that should be considered by the Panel during its review of MR-00352. |
Written Submissions |
On December 15, 2009 the Technical Panel determined that market rule amendment MR-00352 no longer warrants consideration. This amendment is now closed. |
MR-00351 - Segregated Mode of Operation as an Export |
MR-00350 - Forecasts and Assessments - Change Frequency of Publishing 18-Month Outlook |
On February 24, 2009, the Technical Panel unanimously determined that market rule amendment submission MR-00350-Q00 no longer warrants consideration. The Panel unanimously approved the IESO's recommendation that based on stakeholder feedback and discussion the market is better served by maintaining the quarterly publication rather than the suggested change to semi-annual publication. The amendment is now closed. |
MR-00349 - Enhanced Day-Ahead Commitment Process (EDAC): Settlement Guarantees |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R04 |
MR-00348 - Enhanced Day-Ahead Commitment Process (EDAC): 24 Hour Optimization and 3-part Offers |
Amendment Proposal R00-R05Amendment Proposal R06 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal (R00-R06) and provide comments to the Technical Panel by July 23, 2009, using the written submission form. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R05Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R06 |
MR-00347 - Settlements - Linked Wheel Transaction Non-Energy Market Charges |
Amendment Submission Q00 The Technical Panel requests stakeholders to review and provide written comment on the amendment submission by September 11, 2008 using the written submission form. In addition to any general comments on the submission, the Panel is particularly interested in stakeholder feedback on the Technical Panel comments listed in Part 5 of the amendment submission and the issues/questions listed in Attachment A of the submission. Are there any additional issues or questions that should be answered? Do stakeholders have any views on or responses to the issues and questions identified by the Panel? |
On December 16, 2008, the Technical Panel determined that market rule amendment MR-00347 no longer warrants consideration. This amendment is now closed. |
MR-00346 - Demand Response - Eliminate Hour-Ahead Dispatchable Load Program |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R03 The Technical Panel has conditionally recommended the amendment proposal to the IESO Board for approval, subject to no issues being identified by stakeholders regarding the proposal. Panel requests that stakeholders review the amendment submission and amendment proposal, and provide comments to the Panel by September 4th, 2008 using the written submission form. |
MR-00345 - Reliability - Align Market Rule Definitions of Reliability Related Terms with Bill 44 |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the amendment submission and draft amendment proposal, including the concerns of the Panel transmitter representative summarized in Part 5 of the submission and Attachment B of the proposal, and provide comments by June 5, 2008 using the written submission form. |
MR-00344 - Minor Amendment Omnibus 2008 |
MR-00343 - Market Administration - Clarify Recourse Mechanisms for Market Manuals |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the draft amendment proposal and provide comments by May 22, 2008 using the written submission form. |
Written Submission: |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R02 |
MR-00342 - Revenue Meter - Toronto High Voltage Revenue Metering |
Amendment Proposal R00-R03 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the draft amendment proposal and provide comments by May 22, 2008 using the written submission form. The Technical Panel is particularly seeking stakeholder feedback on whether the proposed amendment is consistent with Schedule F of the existing OEB Uniform Transmission Rate Order. Panel members interpret Schedule F to imply (i) one revenue meter for each transmission delivery point and (ii) the IESO has some responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided to determine transmission charges and therefore the accuracy of the load diversity adjustment. The proposed amendment would have one revenue meter for more than one transmission delivery point. The draft amendment does not address ensuring the accuracy of the load diversity adjustment as the IESO believes that the OEB has that regulatory oversight. The existing OEB Uniform Transmission Rate Order can be found on the OEB web site. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R03 |
MR-00341 - Enforcement - Incorporation of Compliance Sanctioning Guidelines into the Market Rules |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the draft amendment proposal and provide comments by May 22, 2008 using the written submission form. |
MR-00340 - Administration - Market Rules Content Policy |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the draft amendment proposal and provide comments by December 20, 2007 using the written submission form. |
Written Submissions |
On March 18, 2008, the Technical Panel determined that market rule amendment MR-00340 no longer warrants consideration. This amendment is now closed. |
MR-00339 - Revenue Metering - Temporary No-Load Energization of Facilities without Registered Metering Installation |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the draft amendment proposal and provide comments by December 11, 2008 using the written submission form. |
MR-00338 - Interjurisdictional Trading - Economic Dispatch of Linked Wheels |
On May 17, 2011 the Technical Panel determined that the market rule amendment MR-00338 no longer warrants consideration. This amendment is now closed. |
MR-00337 - Administration - Improving Dispute Resolution Process Efficiency and Flexibility |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the draft amendment proposal and provide comments by November 29, 2007 using the written submission form. |
Written Submissions |
MR-00336 - Settlements - Treatment of the Smart Metering Administration Charge |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the amendment submission and draft amendment proposal and provide comments by September 13, 2007 using the written submission form. |
Amendment Proposal R00-R01 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the draft proposal and provide written comments to the Panel by Thursday October 11, 2007 using the written submission form. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R01 |
MR-00335 - Market Administration - Revisions to the Suspension, Termination and Disconnection Provisions for Events of Default |
Amendment Proposal R00-05 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the draft amendment proposal and provide comments by November 29, 2007 using the written submission form. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R05 |
MR-00334 - Emergency Preparedness and System Restoration - Align Restoration Related Market Rules with Industry Practice |
Amendment Proposal R00-R01 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the amendment submission and draft proposal and provide written comments to the Panel by Thursday May 24, 2007 using the written submission form. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R03 |
MR-00333 - Operating Reserve - Permitting Dispatchable Load Facilities to Supply 10-Minute Synchronized Operating Reserve |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the draft proposal and provide written comments to the Panel by Thursday October 11, 2007 using the written submission form. In addition to comments on the draft proposal, the Panel requests comments in regards to whether or not boundary entities should be permitted to provide 10-minute synchronized operating reserve. |
MR-00332 - Operating Reserve (OR) - Reducing Synchronized OR Requirement due to Regional Reserve Sharing Program Changes |
Amendment Proposal R00 and Cost-Benefit Analysis The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the amendment proposal and draft cost-benefit analysis and provide written comment to the Panel by July 5, 2007 using the written submission form. With respect to the draft cost-benefit analysis, the Panel is particularly interested in comments regarding (i) the substance and findings of the analysis, and (ii) the general format and presentation of the analysis as a possible template for future cost-benefit analyses |
Amendment Proposal R00 and Cost-Benefit Analysis The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the amendment proposal and draft cost-benefit analysis and provide written comment to the Panel by July 12, 2007 using the written submission form. With respect to the draft cost-benefit analysis, the Panel is particularly interested in comments regarding (i) the substance and findings of the analysis, and (ii) the general format and presentation of the analysis as a possible template for future cost-benefit analyses. Cost-Benefit Analysis Showing Tracked Changes This version of the draft cost-benefit analysis shows changes tracked from the version reviewed by the Market Pricing Working Group and the Technical Panel in June 2007. |
Written Submissions |
MR-00331 - Specify the Facility Capability in the Market Schedule |
Amendment Proposal R00 The IESO Board requests that persons wishing to submit written comments on the proposed amendment do so by January 12, 2007 using the written submission form. |
Written Submissions |
MR-00330 - Reliability Standards - Mapping Reliability Standards to Ontario Market Participants |
Amendment Proposal R00-R04 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the draft amendment proposal and provide comments to the Panel by April 19, 2007 using the written submission form. Written Submissions |
MR-00329 - Ancillary Services – Eliminate Requirement for Minimum Amount of Regulation/Automatic Generation Control |
Amendment Submission Q00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment submission and provide comments to the Technical Panel by November 30, 2006, using the written submission form. |
Written Submissions |
On October 20, 2009 the Technical Panel determined that market rule amendment MR-00329 no longer warrants consideration. This amendment is now closed. |
MR-00328 - Duration of Reliability Must Run Contracts |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the draft amendment proposal and provide comments to the Panel by September 28, 2006 using the written submission form. |
The Technical Panel did not recommend this amendment to the IESO Board and the IESO withdraw the proposal. This amendment is now closed. |
MR-00327 - Dispatch Data Submissions - Allow Price Changes Inside the Mandatory Window |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the draft amendment proposal and provide comments to the Panel by January 10, 2007 using the written submission form. |
MR-00326 - Review of New Reliability Standards |
Amendment Submission Q00 In addition to general comments on the amendment submission, the Technical Panel is seeking stakeholder comments on specific questions documented in Part 5 of the amendment submission under the heading "Technical Panel Comments". Stakeholders are requested to provide comments by February 8, 2007, using the written submission form. Written Submissions |
On June 10, 2008, the Technical Panel unanimously determined that market rule amendment submission MR-00326-Q00 no longer warrants consideration. This amendment is now closed. |
MR-00325 - Duration of Contracted Ancillary Services Contracts |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the amendment submission and the draft amendment proposal and provide comments to the Panel by September 28, 2006 using the written submission form. |
MR-00324 - Clean-up of Rule Notes and Definitions |
MR-00321 - Connection Assessment - Change Connection Assessment Requirements for Embedded Generation |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the amendment submission and draft amendment proposal and provide written comment to the Panel using the written submission form by July 12, 2006. |
MR-00320 - Designated Program Market Participant |
Amendment Proposal R00-R01 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by May 17, 2006 using the written submission form. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R03 |
MR-00319 - Interim Reporting of Real-Time Intertie Transaction Failure Charges on Preliminary Settlement Statements |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review both the amendment submission and the amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by April 27, 2006 using the written submission form. |
Written Comments |
MR-00318 - Day-Ahead Commitment Process - Temporary Extension to Notice of Disagreement (NoD) Window |
Amendment Proposal R00-R01 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by April 26, 2006 using the written submission form. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R01 |
MR-00317 - Day-Ahead Commitment Process - Prohibit Import Eligible for DA-IOG to Be Part of a Linked Wheeling Through Transaction |
aAmendment Proposal R00-R02 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by April 26, 2006 using the written submission form. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R02 |
MR-00316 - Day-Ahead Commitment Process - Minimum Generation Block Run-time |
Amendment Proposal R00-R03 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by April 26, 2006 using the written submission form. |
Written Submissions |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R03 |
MR-00314 - IESO Authorities and Obligations to Cancel DACP due to Software or Process Failures |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review both the amendment submission and the amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by March 22, 2006 using the written submission form. |
MR-00313 - Account for Congestion Management Settlement Credit Payments in the Determination of Day-Ahead Intertie Offer Guarantee |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests stakeholders review the draft amendment proposal and provide comments to the Panel by March 1, 2006 using the written submission form. |
MR-00312 - Revenue Metering: Relief to Retain Registration Under the Alternative Metering Standard |
Amendment Proposal R00-R02 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the draft amendment proposal and provide comments to the Panel by October 25, 2006 using the written submission form. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R02 |
MR-00311 - Reliability - Emergency Load Reduction Program |
Amendment Submission Q00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment submission and provides comments to the Technical Panel by March 1, 2006, using the written submission form. |
Written Submissions |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R03 |
Amendment Proposal R00-R02 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by March 22, 2006 using the written submission form. |
MR-00310 - Day-Ahead Commitment Process - IESO Authorities and Obligations Regarding Time Period in Which the DACP is Functioning and DACP Sunset |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by January 6, 2006 using the written submission form. Written Submissions |
MR-00308 - Settlement Charges for Intertie Transaction Failures |
Amendment Proposal R00-R04 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by January 23, 2006 using the written submission form. |
Written Submissions |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R04 |
MR-00307 - Forecasts and Assessments - Align Market Rules with IESO's Obligations Under the Electricity Act, 1998 |
Amendment Submission Q00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the amendment submission and provide comments to the Technical Panel by January 20, 2006 using the written submission form. |
Amendment Proposal R00-R05 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by January 20, 2006 using the written submission form. |
Written Submissions |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R06 |
MR-00306 - Constrained Off CMSC Payments in Designated Watch Zones |
Amendment Proposal R00-R01 version 2.0 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by March 1, 2006 using the written submission form. |
Written Submissions |
Amendment Proposal R00-R02 version 4.0 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by May 12, 2006 using the written submission form. |
Written Submissions |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R02 |
MR-00305 - Day-Ahead Commitment Process - Reliability Guarantees (Settlement of the Day-Ahead Commitment Process) |
Amendment Proposal R00-R09 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by January 6, 2006 using the written submission form. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R09 |
MR-00304 - Day-Ahead Commitment Process - Pre-Dispatch Scheduling and Commitment |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by January 6, 2006 using the written submission form. Written Submissions |
MR-00303 - Day-Ahead Commitment Processes - Data Submission |
Amendment Proposal R00-R05 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by January 6, 2006 using the written submission form. Written Submissions |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R05 |
MR-00301 - Settlements - Aggregating Contracted Ancillary Services Settlement Information |
On July 24, 2007, the Technical Panel unanimously determined that market rule amendment submission MR-00301-Q00 no longer warrants consideration.This amendment is now closed. |
MR-00299 - Operating Reserve Requirements - Regional Reserve Sharing |
Amendment Proposal R00 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by October 20, 2005 using the written submission form. The market rules are not intended to specify limits that are contained in reliability organization standards and programs. Following this principle, the proposed amendment would not specify any limits but rather refer to the applicable reliability standard. Six Technical Panel members support the draft proposal (as posted) which specifies a contribution of up to 100 MW that the IESO may count as operating reserve from other participating control areas because: |
MR-00298 - Market Pricing - Emergency Control Actions and Counter-Intuitive Prices – Administrative Pricing |
MR-00297 - Outage Processing - IESO Processing of Market Participant De-Rate Submissions |
MR-00296 - Market Pricing - Emergency Control Actions and Counter-Intuitive Prices - Inputs to Dispatch Scheduling and Pricing Process |
Amendment Submission Q00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment submission and provide comments to the Technical Panel by June 7, 2005 using the written submission form. |
Amendment Proposal R00-R01 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by June 14, 2005 using the written submission form. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R01 |
MR-00295 - Clarify Local Market Power Mitigation |
Amendment Proposal R00 Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by July 18, 2005 using the written submission form. |
MR-00294 - Energy Estimate Allowed Based on Energy Metering Not Necessarily Complying With the Registered Wholesale Revenue Metering Standard |
Amendment Submission Q00 Note: This market rule amendment submission has been withdrawn by its submitter, Hydro One Networks. |
MR-00293 - Transmission Equipment Thermal Ratings |
Amendment Proposal R00-R03 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by March 1, 2006 using the written submission form. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R03 |
MR-00292 - Additional Compensation for Dispatchable Loads under Administrative Pricing |
Amendment Proposal R00 Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by July 18, 2005 using the written submission form. |
MR-00291 - Settlements - Adjustment Period Allocation |
Amendment Proposal R00-R03 Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by July 18, 2005 using the written submission form. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R03 |
MR-00290 - Align Market Rules with OEB-IESO Protocol on Market Surveillance Panel |
Technical Panel Determination on Amendment Submission Q00 |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R03 |
MR-00289 - 14-Day Advance Outage Approval |
Amendment Proposal R00-R05 Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by July 18, 2005 using the written submission form. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R06 |
MR-00288 - Reactive Power Requirements for Induction Generation Units |
Amendment Proposal R00 – Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this draft amendment proposal and provide any comments to the Technical Panel by May 9, 2005, using the written submission form. |
MR-00287 - Resource Adequacy Market |
MR-00286 - Day-Ahead Market - Definitions |
Amendment Proposal R00 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
MR-00285 - Bill 100 Consequential Amendments |
Amendment Proposal R00-R05 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this draft amendment proposal and provide any comments to the Technical Panel by November 26, 2004, using the written submission form. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R05 |
MR-00284 - Compliance - Include Reliability Impact as Criterion for Determining Financial Penalties |
Amendment Proposal R00-R02 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the draft amendment proposal and provide comments to the Panel by October 5, 2006 using the written submission form. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R02 |
MR-00282 - Changes to Emergency Preparedness Market Rules |
Amendment Proposal R00-R05 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review the draft amendment proposal and submit any comments to the Panel by November 12, 2004 using the written submission form. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R05 |
MR-00280 - Prudential Requirements - Limit Use of Cash to Meet Prudential Support Obligation |
Amendment Proposal R00 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
MR-00279 - Revenue Metering - Revenue Metering Installations Whose Registration Expires at the End of 2004 |
Amendment Proposal R00-R06 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R06 |
MR-00276 - Day-Ahead Market - Financial Transmission Rights |
Amendment Proposal R00: Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
MR-00274 - Day-Ahead Market - Prudential Security |
Amendment Proposal R00-R04 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
MR-00272 - Day-Ahead Market - Market Participant Authorization |
Amendment Proposal R00-R02: Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
MR-00271 - Day-Ahead Market - Market Billing and Funds Administration |
MR-00270 - Day-Ahead Market - Settlement |
Amendment Proposal R00 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
MR-00269 - Day-Ahead Market - Publishing and Reporting |
MR-00268 - Day-Ahead Market - Day-Ahead Market and Real-Time Market Integration |
Amendment Proposal R00-R04 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
MR-00267 - Day Ahead Market - Bids, Offers and Data Input |
Amendment Proposal R00-R01 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
MR-00266 - Day-Ahead Market - Facility Registration |
Amendment Proposal R00-R04: Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
MR-00265 - Day-Ahead Market - Calculation Engine |
Amendment Proposal R00 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
MR-00264 - Day-Ahead Market - Market Operations |
Amendment Proposal R00 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
MR-00263 - Correct Non-Material Discrepancies in Dispatch Scheduling Algorithm Description |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R03 |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R04 |
MR-00262 - Settlements - Settlement Statement Re-Calculation |
Amendment Proposal R00-R02 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R02 |
MR-00261 - Technical and Metering Requirements for Small Embedded Facilities |
Amendment Proposal R00-R06 - Technical Panel Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R06 |
MR-00260 - Spare Generation On-Line Minimum Run-Time |
Technical Panel Determination on Amendment Submission Q00 |
MR-00259 - Impact of New Limitations Act |
Amendment Proposal R00-R01 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
MR-00258 - Testing Requirements for Revenue Metering Requirements |
Amendment Proposal R00-R01 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R01 |
MR-00257 - Prudential Requirements - Form of Pledge of Cash or Cash Equivalent |
Technical Panel Determination on Amendment Submission Q00 |
MR-00256 - Transitional Demand Response Program |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-02 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
IMO Board Decision R00-R02 |
MR-00255 - Extension of Emergency Demand Response Program |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
MR-00254 - Allocation of IMO Adjustment Account |
Amendment Proposal R00 - |
MR-00253 - Review of Administered Pricing |
Technical Panel Determination on Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00 - R02 Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R02 |
MR-00252 - Congestion Management - Recovery of Generator CMSC |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by September 15, 2011, using the written submission form. |
MR-00250 - Transmission Customers - Metering Requirements for Embedded Generation Facilities |
Amendment Proposal R00 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
MR-00249 - Extension of Registration of Metering Installations Granted Temporary Dispensation by Measurement Canada |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R02 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
Related Documents |
MR-00248 - Rule Amendments Consequential to IMO Permanent Licence and Amendments to the OEB Act |
Amendment Proposal R00-R02 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R02 |
MR-00247 - Amendments to Ensure Proper Operation and Compensation for Special Protection Systems |
Technical Panel Determination on Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00-R02 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
Amendment Proposal R00-R02 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R02 |
MR-00246 - Multi-Interval Optimization - Changes to Dispatch Algorithm |
Amendment Proposal - R00-R07 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R07 |
MR-00245 - Multi-Interval Optimization - Permissions and Obligations |
Amendment Proposal - R00-R03 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R03 |
MR-00244 - Generator Excitation System Performance Requirements |
Amendment Proposal R00 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
MR-00242 - Management of Transmission Rights Clearing Account Minimum Reserve Level |
Technical Panel Determination on Amendment Submission Q00 |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R04 |
MR-00241 - Treatment of Enhanced Combined Cycle Generation Facilities |
Amendment Proposal R00-R01 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R01 |
MR-00240 - MR-00240 - Segregated Mode of Operation - Dispatch Data and Request Timing |
Amendment Proposal R00 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
MR-00237 - Functional Deferral 6 - Adjusting Dispatch Instructions to the Defined Metering Point |
MR-00235 - Market Incentives to Increase Spare Generation On-Line/Including Control Action Sources of Operating Reserve in the Market |
Amendment Proposal - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment - R00-R05 Are the proposed cost guarantees sufficient to cover all incremental costs borne by a generator in starting-up and operating at its minimum loading point for its minimum run-time? (4.7B) Should the submission of inaccurate cost data be deemed to be a breach of the market rules or should inappropiate payments based on inaccurate cost data be automatically clawed back by the IMO? (2.2B.2) 2) Control Action Sources of Operating Reserve in the Market (MR-00235-R05) Should the market rules specify the criteria by which the IMO Board would set the control action OR prices? Should there be a periodic control action OR price review mechanism included in the market rules? |
MR-00234 - Revised Operating Reserve Restoration Standards |
Technical Panel Determination on Amendment Submission Q00 |
MR-00232 - Allow Unrestricted Revisions to Dispatch Data up to 2 Hours Ahead of Dispatch Hour |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Revised Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00230 - Disclosure of Generator Output and Outage Information and Interchange Schedules and Actual Flows on an Intertie Zone Basis |
MR-00228 - Metering Installations - Seal Expiry Requirements |
MR-00227 - Change Market Rule Requirements for Auditing of Dispatch Algorithm and Settlement Processes and Procedures |
Technical Panel Determination on Amendment Submission |
MR-00225 - Clarifying Transmitter's Role to Coordinate Outages with Impacted Market Participants |
Amendment Proposal - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment R00-R01 |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R01 |
MR-00224 - Replace Requirement for Settlement Reserve Account |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R05 |
MR-00223 - Transmission Rights Participation Requirements and Sub-Auctions |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R02 |
MR-00222 - Extending Deferral of Capacity Reserve Market |
MR-00221 - Extension of the Emergency Demand Response Program |
IMO Board Decision R00 |
MR-00220 - Hour-Ahead Dispatchable Loads |
Technical Panel Determination on Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment R00-R16 |
MR-00219 - Arranging Replacement Energy to Support Planned Outages |
Amendment Proposal - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment R00 |
Written Submissions: |
MR-00218 - Extension of Deferral of Treatment of Dispatch Deviation as Increase in Non-Dispatchable Load |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R04 |
MR-00217 - Market Rule Amendments to Support IMO Board Process for Hearings Warning |
Amendment Proposal - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment R00-R01 |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R01 |
MR-00215 - Suspension of Deemed Credit Downgrade Resulting from Credit Watch Warning |
MR-00214 - Bill 210 Consequential Market Rule Amendments |
MR-00213 - Simplifying Connection Assessment Market Rules |
Technical Panel Determination on Amendment Submission Q00 |
Written Submissions: |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R03 |
MR-00212 - Prudential Support - Revisions to Prudential Support Obligations |
Amendment Proposal R00-R03 |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R03 |
Electricity Distributors Association Amendment Submission Q00 |
MR-00210 - Energy Offers and Bids & Operating Reserve Offers |
MR-00208 - Remove Deferred Preliminary/Final Pricing Requirements from the Rules |
Technical Panel Determination on Amendment Submission Q00 |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R05 |
MR-00207 - Local Market Power Rule Amendments - Pre-Inquiry Adjustment to CMSC Re-calculation |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R01 |
MR-00206 - Clarification of Application of Reliability Must Run Contracting |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R03 |
MR-00205 - Alternative Metering Installation Standards - Accuracy Requirements for Instrument Transformers |
MR-00204 - Intertie Offer Guarantee |
MR-00203 - Bill 58: Consequential Changes to the Powers of the Market Surveillance Panel |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R02 |
MR-00202 - Regulation of Meter Service Providers |
Technical Panel Determination on Amendment Submission Q00 |
Written Submissions: |
Technical Panel Recommendations on Amendment Proposal: |
MR-00200 - Proposed Local Market Power Rule Amendments |
Technical Panel Determination on Amendment Submission Q00 |
MR-00196 - Transmission Rights Market Contingency Plan and Clean Up |
Technical Panel Determination on Amendment Submission Q00-Q02 |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R03 |
MR-00195 - Self Induced Constrained-Off CMSC Payments and Negative Priced Import Offers |
Amendment Proposal R00-R05 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R06 |
MR-00192 - Emergency Demand Response Load |
Board Decision To enable this Program to be available, if required, within a short period following market opening. The IMO will be undertaking a stakeholder consultation in the development of the specifics of Program; and This was the only rule amendment that was still in the approval process when rule-making authority was transferred to the IMO Board, and was reviewed and recommended to the IMO Board by the Technical Panel. See more Information on this stakeholder consultation. |
MR-00161 - Treatment of Co-Generation Facilities in the Market Rules |
Technical Panel Determination on Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment R00-R05 |
Written Submissions: |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R05 |
MR-00121 - Market Treatment of Facilities with Multiple Connection Points |
Amendment Proposal R01-R03 (Replacement Energy Offers) |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R01-R03 |
Amendment Proposal R00 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
MR-00053 - "Dispatch instruction" and "Dispatch message" - Clarification |
MR-00042 - Clarification of Dispatch Data Requirements for Intermittent and Self-Scheduling Generators |
Amendment Proposal R00 - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment |
MR-00034 - Facility Registration Terminology |
MR-00029 - Enforcement Actions Listing Amendments |
Technical Panel Determination on Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal - Request for Stakeholder Review and Comment R00-R01 |
Written Submissions: |
Written Submissions: |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R01 |
MR-00027 - Rule Note - Definition of Transmitter |
The market rule amendments listed below have come into force and are published in the current or previous baselines.