To ensure a reliable supply of electricity, and support local growth and economic development, regional electricity planning has commenced for the City of Ottawa.
Regional electricity plans take up to a 20-year outlook and the process provides an opportunity for communities to provide feedback about local growth, priorities and preferences, and to contribute to the development of the options for meeting this region’s future electricity needs.
We welcome your input on all aspects of this process, including anticipated community needs and priorities, and potential options for meeting this region’s future electricity needs. All interested parties are invited to participate in this engagement initiative and may include but are not limited to:
The City of Ottawa
Indigenous Communities including the Algonquins of Ontario, Pikwakanagan First Nation and the Métis Nation of Ontario 5.
Local distribution companies who serve the community and already participate as part of the Technical Working Group including Hydro 2000 Inc., Hydro Hawkesbury Inc., Hydro One Networks Inc. (Distribution), Hydro Ottawa Limited, Ottawa River Power Corporation, Renfrew Hydro Inc.
Transmitters (Hydro One Networks Inc.)
Consumers, services providers, and associations for the area
Technical Working Group - A Technical Working Group consisting of Hydro Ottawa and the transmitter, and the IESO will use this regional planning engagement initiative to incorporate input while developing the IRRP for the Ottawa Area Sub-Region.
All comments and enquiries in this engagement initiative can be directed to