Implementation Phase Documents

This phase will establish the Market Renewal Program (MRP) designs into rules, manuals, processes and tools to implement the renewed energy markets.

Visit the implementation engagement page to find out about upcoming sessions.

Market Rules and Market Manuals

Here you’ll find draft amendments to the market rules and market manuals, proposed as part of MRP.

Market Entry and Prudentials (Updated March 2021)

Update March 11, 2021: Revised to align with V2 of the Detailed Design. Revisions incremental to those shared on December 4, 2020 are presented in yellow highlights. For stakeholder convenience, the Guide to Reading the Amendments summarizes the revisions.

Draft Materials

Market Rules amendments:

Market Manuals amendments:

Guide to reading the amendments

Market Power Mitigation (Updated December 2023)

Update December 1, 2023: Market Manuals updated. For stakeholder convenience, see the Summary of Changes that outlines the revisions.

Draft Materials

Market Rules amendments:

Market Manuals amendments:

Conforming Changes:

Summary of Changes

Interim Alignment (Updated December 2022)

Update December 20, 2022: This batch of market rules and market manuals will provide conforming changes to build on three concepts introduced in prior MRP batches:

  • Resource as a defined term
  • Interim electricity storage facilities within MRP
  • Price Responsive Load (PRL) as a distinct load resource type

Draft materials:

Market Rules amendments:

Market Manuals amendments:

Summary of changes


Market Settlements, Metering and Billing (Updated January 2024)
MRP Consolidated Draft (Updated June 2023)

The MRP Consolidated Draft has been superseded by the Final Alignment batch of market rules. The Final Alignment batch can be found on the Final Alignment Documents page.

Reference Levels and Reference Quantities

Here you’ll find supporting materials for ongoing one-on-one consultations for reference levels and reference quantities.