Frequently Asked Questions are available for the following topics:
Are there any fees or charges associated with Beacon?
No. The IESO does not charge any fees for Beacon.
Will Beacon monitor my facility equipment for repairs and maintenance?
No. Beacon is an online tool intended to allow microFIT Suppliers to manage their microFIT Contract online. It does not monitor installed equipment for required repairs and maintenance. Suppliers are responsible for the repairs and maintenance of the installed electricity generation equipment related to the microFIT Facility.
Will Beacon monitor the inputs and outputs of energy being harvested from my facility?
No. Beacon is an online tool intended to allow for microFIT Suppliers to manage their microFIT Contract online. It does not have access to your electricity generation meter equipment data. Please contact your Local Distribution Company (LDC) or refer to your electricity generation statement for information related to electricity generation.
Who should I contact if I experience technical difficulties with Beacon?
If you are having difficulty signing up for or logging into an account, please contact the microFIT team.
Logging In
How can I access Beacon?
If you have an active Beacon account, please login. To register for Beacon, please complete your registration.
I forgot my password. Can the IESO send me my password?
For security, the IESO does not know your password. Your Beacon password may be reset using the “Forgot Password?” (NTD: Embed Hyperlink) link on the Beacon login page. To reset a Beacon password, the email address and username associated with your account are required.
I had a legacy account with the My microFIT Homepage. Was my information transferred to Beacon?
If you are a current microFIT Supplier, your information will be available by logging in through Beacon using the email address associated with your microFIT Contract. If you no longer have access to the email address associated with your microFIT Contract, please email the microFIT team.
I can’t remember my challenge questions (Multi-Factor Authentication – MFA), what should I do?
If you are unable to answer your MFA questions, please email the microFIT team from the email address that is associated with your Beacon account and your microFIT Contract. The IESO is able to reset your challenge questions.
What do I do when it tells me to contact an administrator?
Please email the microFIT team from the email address that is associated with your Beacon account and your microFIT Contract and we can reset and provide a temporary password which will have to be changed next time you log in.
I have created an account in Beacon but I don’t see my Contract. Can you please grant me access to it?
If the email address that you have used to access Beacon is not the same as the email address that is associated with your microFIT Contract, you will need to verify your identity as the Supplier by either scheduling a call with the IESO microFIT team or providing a notarized Identity Confirmation Form (NTD: Embed hyperlink and also link to Program Documents). You may email the microFIT team for either option.
Why is my account locked?
Your account may be locked because of an open draft or in-progress task. You can only complete one request at a time. Please navigate to your 'My Tasks' tab to review any active tasks in progress or to your 'Requests' tab to view any submitted tasks under IESO Review. Please note that when logging in for the first time, Suppliers must complete three Verification Tasks before initiating any other actions or requests.
Please refer to the Verification Task User Guide or contact the microFIT team for further assistance.
Why can’t I edit the information in my Verification Task?
Supplier and Contract Verification Tasks are for review purposes only. Should you wish to edit the information that is greyed out, you may submit a Change Request once all three Verification Tasks are submitted.
Downloading Your microFIT Contract
How do I access my Contract?
The IESO does not email microFIT Contracts. Contracts are accessible through your Beacon account by following the instructions below :
- Following login, please select “Online IESO” and then “FIT/microFIT Supplier”.
- Click the “Manage Contracts” tab at the top of the page.
- Select the microFIT Contract Reference Number (FIT-Mxxxxx) associated with the Contract you wish to download.
- Click the “Download Contract” button to automatically download a copy of most recent version of the Contract.
New Supplier Registration
Who can submit a New Supplier Registration request in Beacon?
For versions 1.3 and 1.4 microFIT Contracts, a New Supplier Registration Request can be submitted by any legal entity wishing to assume a microFIT Contract. For versions 1.5, 1.6, 1.6.2, 2.x, 3.x and 4.x Contracts, a New Supplier Registration Request can be submitted by an Eligible Participant as defined in the Eligible Participant Schedule (EPS). The EPS version numbers correspond with the Contract version numbers and can be found here: Version 1, Version 2, Version 3, Version 4.
Do I have to upload a document when submitting a New Supplier Registration request in Beacon?
Documentation may be required during the New Supplier Registration Request to substantiate eligibility. For more information, please refer to the Contract Assignments (Transfers) tab and view Assignee page for full instructions. You may also refer to the applicable Eligible Participant Schedule (EPS). The EPS version numbers correspond with the Contract version numbers and can be found here: Version 1, Version 2, Version 3, Version 4.
How do I know what version of the contract I am taking over?
The version of a microFIT Contract can be found directly on the microFIT Contract itself. You may ask the current microFIT Supplier for this information. If the current Supplier does not have a copy of their Contract, you may ask them to contact the IESO directly to receive this information.
Where can I get a Land Transfer document or Parcel Register?
A Land Transfer document can be provided to you by your real estate lawyer upon the purchase of a property. A Parcel Register can be obtained online via the OnLand Land Registration system’s website.
Where can I get a Survivorship of Land document?
A Survivorship of Land document can be provided to you by your real estate lawyer or estate lawyer.
What is a Farm Business Registration Number?
Farm businesses are required by law to be registered with the provincial government agency, Agricorp, and obtain a Farm Business Registration Number (FBR). For more information on how to obtain an FBR, please visit Agricorp’s website.
Contract Assignment (Transfer)
What happens if I move?
Existing microFIT Contracts cannot be amended to reflect a different property address due to a move. Where the Supplier sells the property on which a Facility is located, the Supplier may assign the Contract to the new property owner. Where the Supplier has a version 1.5, 1.6, 1.6.2, 2.x, 3.x and 4.0 Contract, the Supplier’s Eligible Participant status may be affected by a move or sale and any Contract assignment must be to another Eligible Participant.
Please refer to the Contract Assignments (Transfer) tab for more information and instructions, or the Contract Assignment User Guide.
How do I submit a Contract Assignment request?
All Contract Assignment Requests are submitted through Beacon. To initiate a Contract assignment, please see the Contract Assignment(Transfers) tab for full instructions. You may also wish to review the Contract Assignment User Guide.
Can I give permission to another individual to speak on my behalf?
For version 1.x Contracts, the IESO will only communicate with the Supplier (using the contact information listed in the Notice provision of the microFIT Contract).
For version 2.x, 3.x and 4.x Contracts, the Supplier may authorize a third party as the Supplier’s designated representative. Where the Supplier designates a representative, the IESO may communicate with both the Supplier (using the Supplier Contact Information listed in Part 1 - Section A(10) of the microFIT Contract) and the designated representative (using the Contact Information for the representative of Supplier listed in Part 1 - Section A(11) of the microFIT Contract), but is under no obligation to communicate with the designated representative. The Supplier may add or remove a designated representative at any time, by providing notice to the IESO (version 2.x, 3.x and 4.x Contracts). Please note that a representative cannot accept, terminate, amend, or assign the microFIT Contract.
I want to assign my Contract, but the Assignee does not have a computer or access to the internet. What do I do?
To complete the Contract assignment process, both the current Supplier (Assignor) and prospective new Supplier (Assignee) must have access to the Internet. To initiate a Contract assignment, please follow the Contract Assignment Instructions applicable to your Contract version.
When choosing to initiate a Contract Assignment, you may wish to seek assistance in this process, however it is the expectation of the IESO that you as the Supplier are the one typing and navigating Beacon as there are declarations, representations and warranties.
Please refer to the microFIT Contract Assignment User Guide for further information.
I am the Supplier, but when I email the IESO I get a response stating that my email must originate from the email address listed in the Contract. Why is that?
Simply put, we don’t know if it's really you if you are emailing from a different email address than the IESO on file.
The IESO is able to discuss Contract-specific information with only the Supplier (or a designated representative for version 2.x, 3.x and 4.x Contracts) and requires your email originates from the email address listed in Section 9.1 of a version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, or 1.6 Contract, or Section A(10) or Section A(11) of a version 2.x, 3.x and 4.x Contract.
It is therefore important that the email address listed in the Contract is active and regularly monitored.
If the email address listed in the Contract is no longer active or accessible, the Supplier should email the microFIT team.
I am considering or I purchased a foreclosed home with a microFIT Facility, how do I initiate an Assignment?
If you wish to take over the microFIT contract, it is important that you ensure the Supplier (i.e. current Contract holder) is available and willing to initiate a microFIT Contract Assignment request in Beacon and if applicable, that you confirm whether you are an Eligible Participant as per the EPS.
The microFIT Contract is not automatically assigned (transferred) when the real estate property containing the microFIT Facility is sold or otherwise conveyed. The Contract Assignment Process must be initiated by the Assignor as the person who holds the rights under the contract. The Assignment process is completed entirely online using the IESO’s Contract Management tool, Beacon.
If the Assignor fails to initiate this process, even in the case of the sale of the property and associated solar panels, the IESO cannot unilaterally assign the contract.
For more information, please review our Know Your Rights and Responsibilities webpage.
Why was my Contract Assignment request declined?
Reasons an assignment request may be declined include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Periods of inactivity over 6 months from last activity
- Assignee not meeting the eligibility criteria in the Eligible Participant Schedule, where applicable.
- After initiating an assignment request, it is discovered that key information listed in the Contract is incorrect and requires updating (e.g., Contact information or Facility characteristics).
What happens if the Assignor/Assignee doesn’t complete their respective portion of the Assignment?
The microFIT Contract Assignment cannot be completed without the direct participation from both the Assignor and Assignee. If the Supplier’s version of the microFIT Contract includes an Eligible Participant Schedule (version 1.5 and higher) and the Contract is not assigned in a reasonable timeframe after the property is transferred, the Supplier will be in breach of the Contract, and the Contract may be terminated by the IESO. The IESO does not mitigate disputes between Assignors and Assignees.
We have been trying to get the previous owner to transfer the Contract to us, but they have not been responsive. What do we do?
The microFIT Contract Assignment Process must be initiated by the Supplier as the person who holds the rights and obligations under the contract. The IESO cannot unilaterally assign microFIT Contracts or compel Contract holders to assign their existing microFIT Contracts. The IESO recommends that microFIT participants obtain independent legal, technical and business advice. Those interested in small-scale renewable generation may consider contacting their local distribution company to determine if there are any net metering opportunities in their area.
The Assignee is unwilling or ineligible to take over the Contract, what are my options?
If the Assignee is unwilling to, or does not wish to take over the microFIT Contract, you may consider to voluntarily terminate your Contract. Please contact the IESO for more information. A Supplier who is selling their property associated with a microFIT Contract may also choose to voluntarily terminate the Contract rather than assigning it to the buyer. Please contact the IESO at microFIT.Contract@ieso.ca for more information on the voluntary termination process.
Am I obligated to assign the microFIT Contract when I sell a property?
If the Supplier’s version of the microFIT Contract includes an Eligible Participant Schedule (version 1.5 and higher) and the Contract is not assigned in a reasonable timeframe when the property is transferred, the Supplier will be in breach of the Contract, and the Contract may be terminated by the IESO. A Supplier who is selling their property associated with a microFIT Contract may also choose to voluntarily terminate the Contract rather than assigning it to the buyer. Please contact the IESO for more information on the voluntary termination process.
Am I obligated to receive an assignment of the microFIT Contract after purchasing a property?
Participation in the microFIT Program, including the microFIT Contract assignment process, is voluntary.
Can I move the panels and the microFIT Contract to another property?
A microFIT Facility cannot be moved to another property.
Can a Contract Assignment be completed before the closing date of my real estate transaction?
If the Contract version is 1.3 or 1.4, the Contract Assignment process may be completed before the closing date.
If the Supplier’s version of the microFIT Contract includes an Eligible Participant Schedule (version 1.5 and higher) the IESO must ensure that the Legal Name of the Supplier matches the name(s) as they appear on the parcel register or land transfer for the property on which the microFIT Facility is located and these documents are typically obtained on the date of closing from your real estate lawyer.
Does the IESO charge any fees for the microFIT program?
The IESO does not charge any fees for the microFIT program. Please contact your Local Distribution Company (LDC) to see what charges may exist with the connection agreement.
How do I find the Contract ID?
The Contract ID (Also referred to as microFIT Reference Number) can be found on your microFIT Contract, or your Beacon account under the "Manage Contracts" tab, or you may also contact your Local Distribution Company.
The Contract ID begins with "FIT-M_____" .
If you are not currently a microFIT Contract holder, you may wish to contact the Contract holder directly for this information as the IESO may only discuss Contract-specific details with the Supplier on Contract.
What is the Facility Name?
Please note that the Facility Name is any name of your choosing and it does not carry over from the previous Supplier.
What is a Generator Account number?
A Generator Account number is the account number assigned by the Supplier’s Local Distribution Company to the microFIT Facility that is supplying electricity to the grid.
What is a load customer account number?
A load customer account number is the account number assigned by a Local Distribution Company to a load facility that is consuming electricity from the grid. For example, the load facility could be a home or farm house which shares the property with the microFIT Facility.
Change Requests
How can I add or remove my spouse’s name to/from my Contract?
To add or remove a party to the Contract, a Contract Assignment request must be submitted to the IESO. The Contract Assignment process can be initiated anytime and is completed entirely online through Beacon.
Please refer to our Contract Assignments (Transfers) tab for step-by-step instructions.
How can I change the contact details on my Contract?
To change contact information set out in the Contract (such as the email or mailing address), a Change Request must be submitted to the IESO through Beacon. Please refer to the microFIT Contract Management User Guide for instructions.
How Can I change the legal name on my Contract?
Where the Supplier will remain the same legal entity (legal name change upon marriage/divorce or correction of misspelling), a Contract Change Request is required. Please refer to our Supplier Management User Guide for Change Request instructions.
Where the legal entity of the Supplier will change (addition or removal of a Supplier or a new Supplier entirely), a Contract Assignment is required. Please refer to our Contract Assignments (Transfers) tab for step-by-step instructions.
How can I change the facility address on my Contract?
To change the address of the Facility, a Contract Change Request must be submitted to the IESO. Facility address changes will be limited to changes relating to the correction of typographical errors or 911 address updates for the existing property. The Supplier is not permitted to change the address of the property on which the Facility is located to reflect the relocation of the Facility from the existing property to a different property.
Please refer to the Contract Management User Guide for instructions to initiate a Change Request.
How do I terminate my Contract?
You may voluntarily terminate your microFIT Contract on thirty days’ prior written notice to the IESO, by completing a Termination Request via Beacon. Please be aware that terminating a microFIT Contract may affect agreements made with third-party service providers. The IESO recommends Suppliers seek independent legal advice before terminating a microFIT Contract.
Please email the microFIT team for voluntary Termination instructions.
Is there a monetary penalty that I have to pay when I terminate my Contract?
The IESO does not charge a fee or monetary penalty to Suppliers that voluntarily terminate their microFIT Contract. Please be aware that terminating a microFIT Contract may affect agreements made with third-party service providers.
Estate and Power of Attorney
The Supplier has passed away. What should happen?
The executor/executrix should contact the microFIT team to inform the IESO of the Supplier’s passing.
The estate trustee will be requested to submit a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee and a Notarized Estate Identity Confirmation Form to the IESO to demonstrate its authority as estate trustee for the Supplier. These forms will be provided to the Estate Trustee once the IESO is informed of the Supplier's passing.
In the event that a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee has not been applied for or obtained, and the executor/executrix does not intend to do so, and the Supplier’s Will was made in the Province of Ontario, the following document package will be accepted*:
Notarized copy of a partial will, including the first page of the will, the page containing the executor appointments and alternates and the signature page.
Notarized copy of the official death certificate. In the event that the official death certificate has not yet been obtained, a notarized copy of the funeral director's statement of death will be accepted.
In cases where a microFIT Supplier has passed away without a will, a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee without a Will must be provided to the IESO.
How can I obtain a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee?
The IESO encourages the executor/executrix to seek independent legal advice relating to the estate of the Supplier.
What happens when an individual listed on a microFIT Contract is incapable of managing their affairs?
If a microFIT Supplier becomes incapable of managing their affairs, their Power of Attorney must notify the IESO. Once verified by the IESO, the Power of Attorney will be provided access to the microFIT Contract and will be able to act on behalf of the Supplier.
Who can act as a witness of a signed document?
Anyone aged 18 or over who is not a party to (involved in) the agreement can witness your signatures. Someone who witnesses an agreement doesn’t become a party to that agreement and isn’t responsible for seeing that the agreement is followed. By signing the agreement, the witness is verifying that they know the person signing and saw them sign the agreement, the person signed voluntarily, and the person was sober.
What is a Notary Public?
A notary public is an individual who can witness or certify, and attest, the execution of a document, certify and attest a true copy of a document, or commission the taking of an affidavit. Notaries are regulated under the Notaries Act, R.S.O. 1990. For additional information on notaries, as well as information on where to find a notary, please visit the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General’s website. Please note a fee may be charged for the services of a notary public.
What is a Commissioner of Oaths?
Commissioners for taking Affidavits are individuals who have been granted an appointment from the Attorney General of Ontario to take affidavits. Persons who are already commissioners by virtue of office and do not have to apply include lawyers, judges, justices of the peace, members of provincial parliament, members of a municipal council, municipal clerks, municipal treasurers, and licensed paralegals.
Generation and Payments
How do I get paid under the microFIT Contract?
A microFIT Supplier will receive Generation Payments from its Local Distribution Company. Generation Payments will be issued according to the Local Distribution Company’s (LDC) standard billing cycle. For more information regarding Generation Payments, contact your Local Distribution Company.
What happens to my revenue stream if my microFIT Facility is offline?
Suppliers are only paid for the electricity that is generated by their Facility. As a result, Suppliers are not paid for any period of time during which their microFIT Facility is offline and not generating any electricity.
I haven’t received the most recent statement for my generation. Can you please send it to me?
Your Local Distribution Company handles your Generation Payments and all associated activities. Please contact your Local Distribution Company (LDC) for more information.
Where can I get a postponement letter for my mortgage lender?
The IESO does not have any security interest in your property. The IESO recommends that you seek independent legal advice.
Facility and Maintenance
Can I increase the Nameplate Capacity of my Facility?
The IESO does not permit increases to Nameplate Capacity.
Can I decrease the Nameplate (AC/DC) Capacity of my Facility?
To decrease the Nameplate Capacity of a Facility, a Contract Change Request must be submitted to the IESO. Please note that for the Version 4.x Contract, any amendment that results in the decrease of the Nameplate Capacity of a Rooftop Facility to 6 kW or less will not result in a corresponding increase to the Contract Price.
Please refer to the microFIT Contract Management User Guide for further information.
I have a microFIT Contract. Can I add a battery back-up or supply system to my microFIT Facility and also amend my Contract?
No. Adding a battery back-up or supply system to a contracted microFIT Facility is not allowed. Please refer to the relevant covenants in your microFIT Contract for more details.
I have a microFIT Facility on my property. Can I install a battery back-up or supply system on my property as well?
For properties that have both 1) a microFIT Facility that is a Directly Connected Facility and 2) an independent load metered by a separate load meter, the configuration of the load, the load meter and a battery back-up or supply system is not governed by the microFIT Contract. Accordingly, the microFIT Contract does not prohibit a battery back-up or supply system connected to the independent load and load meter. The IESO recommends that the Supplier seek independent business, technical, and/or legal advice before proceeding with a battery back-up or supply system.
Please notify the IESO if you meet the above criteria and are interested in adding a battery back-up or storage system to your property.
Can I make modifications to the Facility?
The microFIT contract does not permit any material alterations to the Contract Facility without the IESO’s written consent. If you would like the IESO to review a Facility modification request, please email the microFIT team.
Can I disconnect the Facility?
The IESO may permit a Supplier to disconnect their Facility from the distribution system of the Local Distribution Company for the purpose of 1) renovating the building on which the Facility is located (including roof repairs), or replacing components of the Facility that are faulty or no longer functioning. If you would like to submit a Facility disconnection/reconnection request to the IESO, please email the microFIT team and request the Facility Disconnection and Facility Reconnection forms. The completed Facility Disconnection form must be submitted by the Supplier prior to the microFIT Facility being disconnected from the Local Distribution Company’s distribution system. Once the Facility has been reconnected, the Supplier must submit the Facility Reconnection Form within 10 Business days after the Facility has been reconnected to the Local Distribution Company’s distribution system. This Reconnection Form must be submitted along with the ESA Connection Authorization and ESA Certificate of Inspection.
Does the IESO own the solar panels on my roof?
The IESO does not own any microFIT Facility, or the constituent parts (e.g., solar panels, wiring, Generation Meter, etc.) associated with any microFIT Contract.
I am having problems with my solar panels, can you send someone to look at it?
microFIT Suppliers are responsible for equipment, installation, operation and maintenance of their Facility. If you have signed any agreements with a third-party service provider, you may consider reaching out to them.
You may wish to visit the microFIT Rights and Responsibilities tab for more information.