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June Stakeholder Engagement Meetings – Materials Posted

June 10, 2021

The agenda and meeting materials for the June 22-24 stakeholder engagement meetings have been posted, and registration is open. 
The June engagement meetings include:

Distributed Energy Resources Roadmap: an introduction to the DER initiative, presentation of IESO focus areas and near-term timelines, and opportunity to highlight a number of key DER initiatives that are underway or will be launched in 2021.

Resource Adequacy: a presentation of final scope for Hourly Demand Response baseline methodology review and an update on the Annual Acquisition Report.

Industrial Energy Efficiency: an introductory overview of this new engagement and an opportunity for stakeholder feedback.

Hybrid Integration Project: a project update and discussion on fundamental Hybrid Integration Vision questions, information on the hybrid work conducted by Berkley Labs, and an update on the research work at the Minto Flywheel facility.

Gas Phase-out Assessment: an overview of the current role that natural gas generation plays in Ontario, and an opportunity for stakeholder feedback on the scope of the assessment on the reliability, cost, operability and timing issues that would need to be addressed should a phase out of natural gas be considered. 

Market Renewal Program (MRP) Detailed Design – Replacement Settlement System Design Update: A summary of revisions included in the final Settlement Disagreements and Resettlements document and next steps for the Replacement of the IESO’s Settlement System.

MRP Implementation - Stakeholder Update on Navigating Design Solutions: an overview of how the IESO will engage with stakeholders on solutions for practical issues that arise when implementing aspects of the detailed design.

The engagement meetings will follow the Summit-Lite – A Focus on Innovation taking place on June 22. The agenda for this event is posted and registration is open. All are welcome to participate in these sessions, and pre-registration is recommended. Please contact with any questions. 


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