Attendees are invited to participate in any or all of the sessions. Each of the sessions will be held as a separate webinar as shown in the agenda below. Pre-registration is recommended for each of the sessions you plan on attending.
Meeting Materials
For meeting materials, please click on the title of the session to access the engagement webpage where documents are posted two weeks in advance of meetings.
This engagement update provides a snapshot of all active IESO engagement activities and is updated on a monthly basis. It helps support a greater understanding of linkages between engagements, and a foundation for more comprehensive and integrated updates.
To register for all the sessions below, please click here.
Join us for the IESO Summit-Lite - a morning of forward-looking conversations on how innovation can help solve system needs, focusing on the advancement of distributed energy resources (DERs)
The IESO’s Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Roadmap will set out the IESO’s objectives, initiatives and timing for integrating DERs. The initial meeting of the DER Roadmap engagement will introduce the initiative, identify IESO focus areas and near-term timelines, and highlight a number of key DER initiatives that are underway or will be launched in 2021. The meeting will also to introduce and seek feedback on opportunities for increased collaboration with the OEB and DER demonstration projects.
The IESO will present the final scope and next steps for the HDR baseline methodology review and provide an update on the 2021 Annual Acquisition Report.
Stakeholders will be provided an introductory overview of this new engagement including each of the two phases. Stakeholder feedback will also be requested.
The IESO will provide stakeholders with a project update and address feedback received following the April meeting. At this meeting the IESO will share and seek feedback on the fundamental Hybrid Integration Vision questions, as well as present information on the hybrid work conducted by Berkley Labs and provide an update on the research work at the Minto Flywheel facility.
Stakeholders will be provided an overview of the current role that natural gas generation plays in Ontario, the proposed assessment approach as well as an overview of early feedback submitted by stakeholders.
Summary of revisions included in the final Settlement Disagreements and Resettlements document and next steps for the Replacement of the IESO’s Settlement System.
Overview of how the IESO will be transparently engaging with stakeholders on solutions for practical issues that arise when implementing aspects of the detailed design.