July Stakeholder Engagement Meetings-Agenda Posted and Registration Open
June 30, 2021
The agenda for the July 20 & 22 stakeholder engagement meetings is now available, and registration is open.
The July engagement meetings will include:
- York Region Non-Wires Alternative: an overview from the IESO and Alectra in advance of the second operational year of the York Region Non-Wires Alternative Demonstration Project for prospective participants, as well as the broader stakeholder community.
- Indigenous Energy Efficiency: a presentation of the detailed program design for the First Nations Community Buildings Retrofit Program.
- Resource Adequacy: further detail will be provided on UCAP proposals for individual resource types, along with further discussion around resource backed imports.
- Cost Recovery for Integrating System Changes: an introduction to the purpose of the engagement, relevant background, and an opportunity for discussion and input.
Attendees are welcome to participate in any or all sessions, and pre-registration is recommended. Please contact engagement@ieso.ca with any questions. In addition, please note that recordings and presentations from the June engagement meetings and Summit Lite event are now available.