Regional electricity planning in the Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge-Guelph (KWCG) Region is underway. This engagement initiative will provide interested parties with an opportunity to offer input for consideration during the regional planning process.
Regional electricity plans take up to a 20-year outlook on every region in the province. The planning process provides an opportunity for communities to tell the IESO about anticipated needs and priorities, and to contribute to the development of the options for meeting this region’s future electricity needs.
The IESO engages with local and regional communities to seek input to help inform planning activities.
All interested parties are invited to participate in this engagement initiative and may include but are not limited to:
City of Guelph, the Region of Waterloo including the municipalities of Kitchener, Waterloo, and Cambridge, and the townships of Wellesley, Woolwich, Wilmot, North Dumfries, as well the Townships of Mapleton, Centre Wellington, Puslinch, and Guelph/Eramosa in Wellington County, and the Township of Blandford-Blenheim in Oxford County
Indigenous communities including Mississaugas of the Credit, Six Nations of the Grand River, Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council and Grand River Métis Council
Local distribution companies (LDCs) who serve the community including Alectra Utilities Corporation, GrandBridge Energy, Halton Hills Hydro Inc., Enova Power Corp., Centre Wellington Hydro Ltd., Wellington North Power Inc., Milton Hydro Distribution Inc., and Halton Hills Hydro Inc.
Hydro One Transmission
Consumers and service providers for the area
All comments and enquiries on this engagement can be directed to
KWCG Working Group - A Technical Working Group consisting of the eight local distribution companies in the region, the local transmitter, and the IESO will use this regional planning engagement initiative to consider input that will identify and meet local electricity needs and develop the Integrated Regional Resource Plan (IRRP) for the KWCG region.
All comments and enquiries in this engagement initiative can be directed to