Market Rule Amendment Archive
The market rule amendments listed below have come into force and are published in the current or previous baselines.
Documents referenced on this page, but not posted, can be obtained by contacting with a link to the web page that lists the document and advise whether it needs to be provided in an accessible format. Please allow a minimum of one business day for a response.
Last Updated |
MR-00445: Performance Requirements |
August 27, 2020 |
Board Decision with Reasons
Materials provided to the IESO Board for discussion at its August 26, 2020 meeting The Technical Panel requested that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by July 9, 2020. Comments received can be found on the Technical Panel webpage. The Technical Panel voted to recommend the proposed market rule amendment to the IESO Board for consideration at its August 11 meeting. |
Last Updated |
MR-00444: Reliability Related Information |
August 27, 2020
Board Decision with Reasons
Materials provided to the IESO Board for discussion at its August 26, 2020 meeting
The Technical Panel requested that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by June 11, 2020. No comments were received. The Technical Panel voted to recommend the proposed market rule amendment to the IESO Board for consideration at its June 23 meeting. |
Last Updated |
MR-00443: Transmission Rights Clearing Account Disbursements |
August 27, 2020 |
Board Decision with Reasons
Materials provided to the IESO Board for discussion at its April 22, 2020 meeting
The Technical Panel requested that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by June 11, 2020. Comments received can be found on the Technical Panel webpage. The Technical Panel voted to recommend the proposed market rule amendment to the IESO Board for consideration at its June 23 meeting. |
Last Updated | MR-00442: Minor Amendment Omnibus Multiple Chapters |
April 23, 2020
Board Decision with Reasons |
April 17, 2020
Materials provided to the IESO Board for discussion at its April 22, 2020 meeting
March 19, 2020 |
The Technical Panel recommended the following market rule amendment proposal to the IESO Board at its March 3, 2020 meeting |
The Technical Panel requested that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by February 19, 2020. No comments were received. |
Last Updated |
MR-00441: Capacity Auction – June 2020 Chapters 7, 9, 11 |
March 26, 2020
The IESO Board approved the following market rule amendment proposal at its March 23, 2020 meeting Board Decision with Reasons |
March 19, 2020
Materials provided to the IESO Board for discussion at its March 23, 2020 meeting
The Technical Panel recommended the following market rule amendment proposal to the IESO Board at its March 3, 2020 meeting Updates to Defined Terms |
The Technical Panel requested that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by February 19, 2020. No comments were received |
Last Updated |
MR-00440: Hourly Demand Response – Out-of-Market Activation Payments Chapter 7, 9 |
December 9, 2019 |
The IESO Board approved the following market rule amendment proposal at its November 27, 2019 meeting Board Decision with Reasons |
Materials provided to the IESO Board for discussion at its November 27, 2019 meeting
The Technical Panel recommended the following market rule amendment proposal to the IESO Board at its October 23, 2019 meeting Proposed Market Rule Amendment - HDR Out-of-Market Activation and Payments |
The Technical Panel requested that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by October 8, 2019. No comments were received Proposed Market Rule Amendment - HDR Out-of-Market Activation and Payments
Last Updated |
MR-00439 – Transitional Capacity Auction The six market rule amendment proposals included in this package represent Phase I of the Transitional Capacity Auction (TCA) design, which enables non-committed dispatchable generators to participate in the TCA alongside dispatchable loads and hourly demand response resources. The TCA represents an evolution of the demand response auction into a more competitive capacity acquisition mechanism. |
January 30, 2020
The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) issued a final decision that lifted a stay of the operation of the (TCA) market rule amendments. The Market Rules and Manuals for the Transitional Capacity Auction, which had been stayed by the Ontario Energy Board, have been reposted. |
November 27, 2019 |
Further to the Ontario Energy Board’s Decision and Order on a Motion to Stay the Operation of the Amendments to the Market Rules (November 25, 2019), market rule amendments for Chapters 2, 3, 7, 9, 11 and Appendix 2.2, dated October 15, 2019 concerning capacity auctions are currently inoperative pending a final determination in the Application (EB-2019-0242). |
The IESO Board approved the following market rule amendment proposals at its August 28, 2019 meeting |
Materials provided to the IESO Board for discussion at its August 28, 2019 meeting
The Technical Panel recommended the following market rule amendment proposals to the IESO Board at its August 13, 2019 meeting |
In response to the Technical Panel’s request for stakeholder review and comment, the following written submissions were received
The Technical Panel reviewed the following market rule amendment proposals at its June 25, 2019 meeting and requested stakeholder review and comment by July 9, 2019
MR-00437: Resolute FP Canada – Demand Response Registration and Metering Requirements |
Amendment Submission Q00 - The Technical Panel requested that stakeholders review this amendment submission and provide comments to the Technical Panel by February 21, 2019. No written comments were received. |
Amendment Proposal R00 - The Technical Panel requested that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by April 26, 2019. No written comments were received. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 All materials provided to the IESO Board for discussion at its June 12, 2019 meeting:
MR-00436: Enabling System Flexibility - Thirty-Minute Operating Reserve |
MR-00435: Station Service Obligations |
Written submissions:
MR-00434: Regulated Settlement - Deletion of Rural and Remote Settlement and Debt Retirement Charge |
IESO Board Decision R00
MR-00433: Demand Response |
Amendment Proposal R00 – Notification and Activation of Hourly Demand Response
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
Amendment Proposal R01 – Hourly Demand Response to the EOSCA List
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R01 |
IESO Board Resolution |
MR-00432: Mandatory Requirements for Regulation Providers |
MR-00431: Disconnection Order |
Written submissions:
MR-00430: Prudential Support - Revisions to Reductions in Demand Response Prudential Support Obligations, Interest Payments on Cash Deposits |
MR-00429: Minor Amendment Omnibus 2017 |
MR-00428: Review of the Day-Ahead Calculation Engine Market Rules |
MR-00427: Demand Response Auctions - Capacity Obligation Transfers |
MR-00426: Treatment of Confidential Information Related to Reliability Based Power System Studies and Transmission Service Charges |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00425: Real-Time Generation Cost Guarantee - Cost Recovery Framework |
Written Submissions:
MR-00424: Minor Amendment Omnibus 2015 |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00423: Limiting Constrained-Off Congestion Management Settlemet Credits at the Interties |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Written Submissions: |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00421: Transmission Rights Clearing Account Disbursements |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00420: Capacity Exports |
Amendment Proposal R00 - Capacity Exports in the IESO-Administered Markets
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
Amendment Proposal R01 - Capacity Exports and Settlements
Written Submission: Ontario Power Generation |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R01 |
Amendment Proposal R02 – Capacity Exports and Transmitter Outages
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R02 |
IESO Board Resolution |
MR-00419: Technical Feasibility Exceptions - Process Updates |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00418: Outage Management Process Redesign |
MR-00417: Adequacy Reporting Refresh |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Written Submissions – OPG |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00416: Demand Response Auction |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 - Participant Authorization & Facility Registration |
Amendment Proposal R01 – Auction Parameters
Amendment Proposal R02 – Energy Market Participation
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R01 – Auction Parameters |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R02 – Energy Market Participation |
Amendment Proposal R03 – Non-Performance Charges & Settlement
Amendment Proposal R04 – Demand Response Prudential Support
IESO Board Decision R00 – Participant Authorization & Facility Registration |
Written Submissions: |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R03 – Non-Performance Charges & Settlement |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R04 – Demand Response Prudential Support |
IESO Board Decision R03 – Non-Performance Charges & Settlement |
MR-00415: Generation Facility Requirements - Voltage Ride Through and Reactive Power |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Written Submissions: |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00414: Limiting Congestion Management Settlement Credits (CMSC) During Ramp-Down |
Written Submissions:
MR-00413: Market Rule References to Safety, Environment and Applicable Law |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment proposal R00
Written Submissions: |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00412: Minor Amendment Omnibus 2014 |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00411: Allocation IESO Adjustment Account |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00410: Demand Response Pilot Programs |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00-R01
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R01 |
MR-00409: Eliminate the 15-Minute Restoration Obligation Under a High-Risk Operating State |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00 The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by August 14, 2013. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
Written Submissions: |
MR-00408 - Capacity Based Demand Response |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00-R04
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00-R04 |
MR-00407 - General Conduct Rule |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Written Submissions: |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
Amendment Proposal R01
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R01 |
MR-00406 - Prudential Support - Revisions to the Amounts for Credit Ratings, Good Payment History Reductions and Guarantees |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00404 - Outage Management Redesign |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Amendment Proposal R00
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00402 - Renewable Integration Initiative Market Rules True-Up: Market Schedule, CMSC, Communications for Variable Generation Dispatch |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00: Market Schedule and CMSC for Variable Generation
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00: Market Schedule and CMSC for Variable Generation |
Amendment Proposal R01: Communications for Variable Generation Dispatch
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R01: Communications for Variable Generation Dispatch |
MR-00401 - Removal of the Capacity Reserve and Energy Forward Market |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00400 - Minor Amendment Omnibus 2012 |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Written Submission: |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00397 - Identification of Reliability Standards |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00396 - HE1 Day-Ahead Production Cost Guarantees Triggered by Ramping Limitations |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00395 - Limiting CMSC Payments to Constrained Off Imports into Designated Chronically Congested Areas |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00394 - Bulk Electric System Exceptions |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
Amendment Proposal R01
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R01 |
MR-00393 - Limiting Payments to Exports During Negative Prices |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Submitted for IESO Board Approval |
IESO Board Decision |
MR-00392 - Remove Provisions for Physical Allocation Data |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00390 - Remove Provisions for Main/Check Meter Installations and Check Meters |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00389 - Ancillary Services Contract Terms |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00388 - Cancellation of Transitional Demand Response (TDRP) and Emergency Load Reduction Programs (ELRP) |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00387 - Monthly Generator Disclosure Report - Market Rules Clean-Up |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00386 - Minor Amendment Omnibus 2011 |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00385 - Real-Time Generation Cost Guarantee - Revisions to Eligibility and Cost Submissions |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00
Written Submission: |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00 |
MR-00381 - Renewable Integration | Centralized Forecasting Integration, Publication, Dispatching Variable Generation |
Amendment Submission Q00 |
Amendment Proposal R00: Centralized Forecasting Integration
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R00: Centralized Forecasting Integration |
Amendment Proposal R01: Centralized Forecasting Publication
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R01: Centralized Forecasting Publication |
Amendment Proposal R02: Dispatching Variable Generation
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R02: Dispatching Variable Generation |
Amendment Proposal R03: Floor Prices for Variable and Nuclear Generation
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R03: Floor Prices for Variable and Nuclear Generation |
IESO Board Decision R03: Floor Prices for Variable and Nuclear Generation |
Amendment Proposal R04: Market Schedule and Congestion Management Settlement Credits for Variable Generation
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R04: Market Schedule and Congestion Management Settlement Credits for Variable Generation |
Amendment Proposal R05: Tie Breaking for Variable Generation The Technical Panel requests that stakeholders review this amendment proposal and provide comments to the Technical Panel by September 13, 2012. |
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R05: Tie Breaking for Variable Generation |
IESO Board Decision R05: Tie Breaking for Variable Generation |
Amendment Proposal R06: Publication Requirements: 5-Minute Forecast for Variable Generation
Technical Panel Recommendation on Amendment Proposal R06: Publication Requirements: 5-Minute Forecast for Variable Generation |
IESO Board Decision R06: Publication Requirements: 5-Minute Forecast for Variable Generation |