Required Notice of OEB Applications

The IESO's expenditure and revenue requirement, as well as the fees it charges, are regulated by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB), a provincial government agency. At any time, the IESO may be involved in proceedings before the OEB for applications which it has filed. The IESO may also be participating in proceedings for applications filed by others in which the IESO is an interested party.


OEB Applications filed by the IESO

Licence Amendment Application

The IESO filed an application for a licence amendment with the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) on March 25, 2024. The application and other documents which form the record of the proceeding are available on the OEB’s web site (Case Number EB-2024-0128).

The IESO requests that the OEB amend the IESO’s licence to:

  1. include a new definition, “Market Rule Amendment Proposal”;
  2. streamline the filing requirements in sub-sections 6.3 i., ii., iii., and v. by removing the need to file preliminary or outdated designs and related documents;
  3. update the name of the “Stakeholder Advisory Committee” to the “Strategic Advisory Committee” in sub-section 6.3 iii.; and
  4. delete sub-section 6.3 iv.

The OEB has issued its Notice of Hearing relating to the licence amendment application. See the Notice of Hearing English | French.

2022 Revenue Requirement Submission

On August 11, 2022 the Ontario Energy Board issued its Decision and Order on the IESO’s 2022 application for approval of 2022 expenditures, revenue requirement and fees, including a Settlement Agreement between the IESO and intervenors in the proceeding. As part of the Settlement Agreement, the IESO committed to engage an independent third-party to conduct a jurisdictional review of the types of market and planning information and data that are made available in other comparable jurisdictions and how such information and data is made available, and to publish the results of that review by the end of Q2 2023. The jurisdictional review is available here.

2023-2025 Revenue Requirement Submissions

The IESO filed its 2023, 2024 and 2025 Revenue Requirement Submissions with the Ontario Energy Board on March 29, 2023. The submissions and other documents that form the record of the OEB’s proceeding are available on the  OEB’s website (Case Number EB-2022-0318).

The IESO’s expenditures, revenue requirements and fees allow the IESO to ensure the reliability of the province’s power system on behalf of all Ontarians, leveraging its expertise and purposeful engagement to advance energy policy that cost-effectively achieves this goal. The IESO continues to carefully review all expenditures and seek out new efficiencies, however, to fully prepare the sector for the future by driving and guiding transformation, new investments in people and systems are needed. As a result, the IESO is proposing increases to its budget to ensure it can continue to meet Ontarians’ expectations of an affordable, sustainable and reliable power system.

Learn more about the IESO’s key initiatives and financial plans in its 2023-2025 Business Plan.

The Ontario Energy Board has issued its Notice of Hearing relating to the IESO’s 2023, 2024 and 2025 Revenue Requirement Submissions. See the Notice of Hearing English | French.

If you are not able to access the documents through the links provided and would like a copy of the Notice or the IESO’s application, please email Regulatory Affairs.

2023-2027 Smart Meter Charge Application

The Independent Electricity System Operator, in its capacity as the Smart Metering Entity, filed an application for the 2023 - 2027 Smart Meter Charge with the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) on March 31, 2022. The application and other documents which form the record of the proceeding are available on the OEB’s web site (Case Number EB-2022-0137). A Smart Metering Charge of $0.43 per meter per month has been proposed, a reduction from the currently approved Smart Metering Charge of $0.57 per meter per month.

The Smart Metering Entity maintains and operates the province’s smart meter data repository that processes, stores and protects electricity consumption data used for consumer billing by Ontario’s local distribution companies.

The OEB has issued a Notice of Hearing for the 2023 - 2027 Smart Meter Charge application. See the Notice of Hearing English | French.

If you are not able to access the documents through the links provided and would like a copy of the Notice or the IESO’s application, please email Regulatory Affairs.


OEB Applications by Other Parties

The Electricity Act, 1998 allows parties to apply to the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) for a review of an amendment to the market rules within 21 days after the amendment is published and also allows any person who is directly affected by a provision of the market rules to apply to the OEB to review the provision.

NQS Generation Group Application EB-2024-0331

On November 8, 2024, Capital Power Corporation, Thorold CoGen L.P., Portlands Energy Centre L.P. doing business as Atura Power, St. Clair Power L.P., TransAlta (SC) L.P. (the “NQS Generation Group”) applied to the OEB for a review of amendments to the market rules made by the IESO regarding the set of changes to the IESO-Administered Markets that are required to operationalize the IESO Market Renewal Program to evolve Ontario’s electricity market.

The application and other documents which form the record of the OEB’s proceeding are available on the OEB’s website.