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Ministerial Directives

From time to time, the Ministry of Energy issues directives and letters to the IESO articulating government policy.

The information on this page includes only the contents of the directives issued by the Minister of Energy. It does not include the contents of each associated Executive Council of Ontario Order in Council. To request a copy of an original Executive Council of Ontario Order in Council and directive, please contact, providing the name and date of the directive, and advise whether it needs to be provided in an accessible format. Please allow a minimum of one business day for a response.

November 7, 2024 and December 19, 2024 (amended)

IESO directed to launch new, enduring DSM framework, beneficial electrification measures

The Minister of Energy and Electrification directed the IESO to launch a new, 12-year Demand Side Management (DSM) Framework to help meet the needs of Ontario's electricity system cost-effectively, including by focusing on capacity and electricity savings and supporting reliability. The IESO has also been directed to launch beneficial electrification measures to promote electrification or the use of electricity to reduce emissions in Ontario, while minimizing the electricity system impacts.

December 12, 2024

IESO directed to enter into a contract with TCE for Ontario Pumped Storage Project predevelopment costs

The Minister of Energy and Electrification has directed the IESO to enter into a funding agreement with Trans Canada Energy Ltd. for eligible, prudently incurred expenses associated with the completion of predevelopment work for the Ontario Pumped Storage Project located in Meaford, Ontario.

November 28, 2024

IESO directed to proceed with several electricity supply initiatives

The Minister of Energy and Electrification directed the IESO to launch the second long-term procurement for electricity supply (the “LT2”) by March 2025, and set out a number of parameters for the procurement including targets, contract length, siting restrictions and requirements, and incentives to be integrated into the IESO evaluation process. The IESO was also directed to enter into a capacity sharing agreement with Hydro-Québec Energy Marketing Inc., to amend the amended and restated contract with Ontario Power Generation Inc. for the Atikokan Generating Station, and to report back on the development of a Local Generation Program for small-scale electricity generation resources that are connected to the distribution system.

October 4, 2024

IESO asked to begin preparing for new Energy Efficiency framework

The Minister of Energy and Electrification has asked the IESO to begin preparing for a new framework, including engaging with program delivery agents, vendors and others, to ensure a smooth transition when the current 2021-2024 Conservation and Demand Management Framework comes to an end in December 2024. As proposed in the ERO posting, the letter also asks the IESO to work on programs for residential, commercial, institutional (including municipalities), industrial and agricultural segments; in addition to programs for income-qualified households and on-reserve First Nations communities.

August 28, 2024

Minister of Energy and Electrification requests report-back on design of IESO’s second long-term procurement (LT2) and long-lead time procurement

Minister Stephen Lecce issued a letter requesting that the IESO report back by September 20, 2024 on the design of the second long-term procurement (LT2). The letter specifies that the report-back should include options for accelerated timelines and targets, as well as the procurement of resources requiring longer development lead times. The Minister also outlined a policy framework for the report back, including requirements for municipal support and access to Crown Land, incentivizing the participation of Indigenous communities, and stipulating that the procurement should be technology-agnostic.

June 6, 2024

Minister of Energy and Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs request protections for agricultural land as part of IESO’s second long-term procurement

Minister Todd Smith and Minister Lisa Thompson issued a letter requesting that the IESO’s second long-term procurement for electricity supply include certain parameters for development on agricultural land. The letter specifies that no new energy projects may be built in specialty crop areas, ground-mount solar may not be sited on Prime Agricultural Areas, all other resource types may only locate on Prime Agricultural Areas if they have received both Municipal Council approval and municipal approval of an Agricultural Impact Assessment (AIA), and rated criteria points should be awarded for projects that avoid Prime Agricultural Areas.

May 9, 2024

IESO directed to extend contract of two biomass facilities: Atikokan Generating Station and Hornepayne Generating Station, and open eligibility of the Small Hydro Program to aggregated facilities

The Minister of Energy directed the IESO to enter into an amended and restated contract with Ontario Power Generation (OPG) for the Atikokan GS that expires on or before July 23, 2029, and to enter into an amended contract with Hornepayne Power Inc. (HPI) for the Hornepayne GS that expires on or before February 14, 2029. In addition, the August 23, 2023 directive regarding the Small Hydro Program (SHP) has been amended to enable the participation of facilities that are part of aggregated contracts.

May 8, 2024

Minister asks IESO to develop Northern Hydro Program (NHP) to recontract existing facilities over 10MW

The Minister of Energy requested that the IESO continue engaging with stakeholders on the development of a program for existing large hydroelectric generation facilities whose contracts with the IESO or the Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation (OEFC) expire on or before April 30, 2043. Leveraging lessons learned from the development of the Small Hydro Program, the IESO is to provide a report back to the Minister on the draft design of the NHP no later than December 2024.

April 4, 2024

Ministerial Directive Regarding the Bruce Power Impact Assessment Funding Agreement

The Minister of Energy has directed the IESO to enter into a funding agreement with Bruce Power to fund a portion of the federal Impact Assessment (IA) with the intent of locating up to 4,800 MW of new nuclear generation on the existing Bruce site. The IA process will help evaluate the suitability of the site by examining the impacts of the proposed nuclear generation facility on the environment, the public and Indigenous communities, and marks the first step in a multi-year process for approving a large-scale nuclear generation project in Canada.

April 4, 2024

Updated Summary of Comprehensive Electricity Plan Payments

A summary of monthly payments to come from the Province in the fiscal year 2024/25 (i.e., the fiscal year ending on March 31, 2025) for the government’s Comprehensive Electricity Plan has been provided to the IESO by the Minister. The new payments are effective as of April 1, 2024 and will be reflected in April’s electricity market invoice released in May. While subject to change, forecasted amounts were also provided for fiscal year 2025/26 (i.e., the fiscal year ending on March 31, 2026).

February 9, 2024

IESO Asked to Explore Opportunities for Energy Efficiency and Beneficial Electrification for 2025 and Beyond

The Minister of Energy has asked the IESO to examine and report back on electricity energy efficiency framework and program opportunities for 2025 and beyond to help meet customer and system needs. In addition, a report-back on how residential and income-eligible natural gas and electricity energy efficiency programs could be delivered through a one-window approach; and how future electricity energy efficiency programming could best leverage beneficial electrification. This report-back will build on the areas identified in a public posting on the Environmental Registry of Ontario, and recent work the IESO and local distribution companies have undertaken to discuss opportunities for increased collaboration in the delivery of demand-side management solutions.

February 1, 2024

IESO Directed to Extend contract of Hornepayne Power Inc. while new contract is negotiated

The Minister of Energy Directed the IESO to extend the Hornepayne biomass electricity generating station’s contract with the IESO for three months (to May 14, 2024) while negotiating a new contract that would provide better value to ratepayers.

January 9, 2024

Update on Pumped Storage Project Proposals in Meaford and Marmora

The Minister has asked in a letter to the IESO and the proponents of pumped storage projects in Meaford and Marmora to continue to update and refine their proposals. For TC Energy and Saugeen Ojibway Nation’s Ontario PS project in Meaford, TC Energy will report back to the Minister and IESO with a breakdown of the estimated costs of associated pre-development work (e.g., a Class 3 estimate of capital costs prepared in accordance with AACE International standards, Impact Assessment process, additional engineering work, etc) and a project schedule of this work.

December 7, 2023

Minister asks IESO for interim Resource Adequacy Update

The Minister of Energy has asked the IESO to provide an interim Resource Adequacy Update to provide guidance on upcoming procurements including a forecasted minimum procurement target for new-build non-emitting resources in LT2 RFP and direction for future procurements the IESO expects would have to be undertaken.

November 27, 2023

Minister asks IESO to report back on the impacts of the draft Clean Electricity Regulations

The Ministry of Energy has asked the IESO to assess and report back on the impacts of the draft CER on achieving Ontario’s goals of ensuring continued access to reliable, affordable and clean electricity.

November 14, 2023

Minister’s Letter on Community Engagement

The Minister of Energy has asked the IESO to appear before municipal councils that are considering projects in their communities to provide information on provincial system needs in light of the province’s goals for growing a reliable, affordable and clean electricity system.

October 19, 2023

IESO directed to enter into a new contract for the Thunder Bay Condensing Turbine Facility

The Minister of Energy directed the IESO to enter into a new contract with Thunder Bay Pulp and Paper Inc. for the Thunder Bay Condensing Turbine Facility, with a contract expiry no later than September 20, 2028.

October 19, 2023

Minister Issues Directive on Energy Support Programs

The Minister of Energy has issued a directive to the IESO on Indigenous energy support programs effective October 19, 2023. The directive recognizes the IESO’s ongoing work in supporting the participation and leadership of First Nation and Métis communities in Ontario’s energy sector and increases the budget to $15 million a year.

August 23, 2023

IESO Directed to Move Forward on Long-term Procurement and Small Hydro Program

The Minister of Energy has directed the IESO to continue with the launch this fall of both the Long-Term RFP (LT1 RFP) and the Small Hydro Program to acquire resources to meet Ontario's future needs. The LT1 RFP will acquire capacity from new build resources to be online no later than May, 2028, while the Small Hydro Program will provide new contracts for existing hydroelectric facilities with installed capacities of 10 MW and below.

July 10, 2023

Minister's Letter on Powering Ontario's Growth

The Minister of Energy has asked the IESO to lead several initiatives in support of Powering Ontario’s Growth; Ontario’s Plan for a Clean Energy Future. Activities include beginning the design and consultation of the next competitive procurement for new clean energy resources, developing a contractual approach to a new nuclear build at Bruce Power, and assessing new transmission options that will serve GTA and enable northern development.

July 10, 2023

Minister's Letter on Pumped Storage

The Minister of Energy has asked the IESO to assess TC Energy and the Saugeen Ojibway Nation’s Ontario pumped storage project and Ontario Power Generation and Northland Power’s Marmora pumped storage project, to ascertain if any of these two projects would provide positive value to the electricity system. The Minister also asked the IESO to make a recommendation if the unsolicited proposals process is still necessary.

April 27, 2023

Minister Issues Directive on Brighton Beach

The Minister of Energy has directed the IESO to enter into a contract with Atura Power for their Brighton Beach Generating Station. The Direction recognizes the need to re-contract Brighton Beach to ensure reliability in the Windsor-Essex region while transmission infrastructure is developed.

April 3, 2023

Updated Summary of Comprehensive Electricity Plan Payments

A summary of monthly payments to come from the Province in the fiscal year 2023/24 (i.e., the fiscal year ending on March 31, 2024) for the government’s Comprehensive Electricity Plan has been provided to the IESO by the Minister. The new payments are effective as of April 1, 2023 and will be reflected in April’s electricity market invoice released in May. While subject to change, forecasted amounts were also provided for fiscal year 2024/25 (i.e., the fiscal year ending on March 31, 2025).

February 23, 2023

Minister Asks IESO to Implement the Clean Energy Credit Registry

The Minister of Energy has asked the IESO to continue to implement the clean energy credit registry following its launch in March 2023, and signalled the province’s expectations around program rules, market demand and data-tracking for clean energy credits in Ontario.

February 9, 2023

Minister’s Directive on the Interruptible Rate Pilot

The Minister of Energy has asked the IESO to design and administer an Interruptible Rate Pilot (IRP) to explore opportunities to enhance demand management on the electricity system with the potential to reduce the cost of electricity for all consumers. The pilot will procure up to 200 megawatts of interruptible demand through a competitive application process. To promote growth in the hydrogen sector, the IESO will report back to the Minister on a plan to design and implement an IRP that is tailored for hydrogen producers in Ontario that employ electrolyzers.

February 2, 2023

Minister’s Letter on Interruptible Rate Pilot

The Minister of Energy has expressed support for the IESO to share with stakeholders the draft pilot rules and contract based on the detailed pilot design proposal that the IESO submitted to the Minister by December 9, 2022. The Minister also supports continued engagement with the hydrogen community to explore options to adapt the Interruptible Rate Pilot and develop a future pilot or program that is tailored for hydrogen producers.

January 26, 2023

Minister Issues Directive on Hydrogen Innovation Fund

The Minister of Energy has directed the IESO to begin developing a Hydrogen Innovation Fund with the goal of investigating, evaluating and demonstrating how low-carbon hydrogen technologies can be integrated into the grid to balance and strengthen Ontario’s reliable electricity system.

January 24, 2023

Minister’s Letter on Proposed CIB Financing Approach and Expedited RFP

The Minister of Energy encourages the IESO to work within the Expedited RFP to enable the CIB’s proposed approach of offering a standard financing product to submitted stand-alone energy storage proponents, while maintaining the integrity of the procurement process.

December 23, 2022

Minister Asks IESO to Clarify Municipal Support Requirements in Upcoming Procurements

The Minister has asked the IESO to clarify requirements that proponents obtain local council resolutions in support of their proposed for the Expedited RFP Process, Long-Term RFP and other coming competitive procurements.

December 9, 2022

IESO encouraged to work on the Regulation Service Contract to Support the Niagara Hydrogen Centre

The Minister of Energy encouraged the IESO to work with OPG towards a new contract for Regulation Service to support the development of a low-carbon hydrogen production facility (Niagara Hydrogen Centre) adjacent to the Sir Adam Beck II generating station.

December 8, 2022

Minister Issues Directive to IESO on Class B Pilots

The IESO has received a directive from the Minister of Energy to work with the Ontario Energy Board to implement dynamic pricing pilots for medium-sized commercial, farm and small industrial customers to test alternative rate plans, called the “Class B Dynamic Pricing Pilots”. The pilots are intended to help inform the government on the potential of alternate pricing options that could provide electricity system benefits and in turn, lower electricity bills for this customer class.

November 24, 2022

Minister Issues Directive on Oneida and Resolute

The Minister of Energy has directed the IESO to enter into a contract with Oneida Storage LP for their Oneida Energy Storage Project. The IESO has also been directed to enter into a 6-month contract extension with Resolute FP Canada Inc. for their Thunder Bay Condensing Turbine Facility recognizing that the facility is undergoing a sale process and more time is needed to negotiate a longer term extension.

November 17, 2022

Minister Asks IESO to Support the Launch of the Clean Energy Credit Registry

In a letter to the IESO, the Minister of Energy has encouraged the IESO to undertake any commercial activities required to support the launch of the Clean Energy Credit Registry. Further updates on the launch of the registry will be provided in the new year.

October 7, 2022

Minister Issues Directive on Procurement of Electricity Resources and Resource Eligibility

The Minister issued the IESO a Directive authorizing a number of resource procurement actions by the IESO including the Expedited Long-Term Request for Proposals, the Same Technology Upgrades Solicitation, and a five-year contract extension for Chapleau Generating Station. The Directive also outlines the resource eligibility requirements for the upcoming procurements identifying a minimum requirement of 1,500 MW of energy storage and a maximum of 1,500 MW of new natural gas capacity in line with the IESO’s recommendation in its Resource Eligibility Interim Report.

October 5, 2022

IESO asked to develop Small Hydro (<10MW) Program to re-contract existing facilities

The Ministry of Energy asked the IESO to continue engaging with stakeholders on a program to re-contract the province’s small hydroelectric facilities. The IESO is to provide a report back no later than December 31, 2022 of draft program rules and draft contract. The target launch date for the program is July 31, 2023.

September 29, 2022

Expansion of the 2021-2024 Conservation and Demand Management Framework

The Minister of Energy has amended the 2021-2024 Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) Framework directive dated September 30, 2020, by increasing the budget by $342 million for additional CDM programming, for a total framework budget of just over $1 billion . The directive enables the IESO to deliver additional programs that will provide provincial peak electricity demand savings of 285 megawatts (MW) and annual energy savings of 1.1 terawatt hours (TWh) by 2025; the four-year framework is expected to achieve a total of 725 MW of peak demand savings and 3.8 TWh of electricity savings.

August 29, 2022

Minister Asks the IESO to Design an Interruptible Rate Pilot

The Minister of Energy has asked the IESO to work with the Ministry to design a three-year pilot program that would help provide large customers directly connected to the transmission system with an interruptible rate during peak demand periods.

August 23, 2022

IESO asked to Submit a Report to Inform Eligibility of Emitting Resources in Upcoming Procurements

The Minister has asked the IESO to submit a report to inform the eligibility of emitting resources in the upcoming procurements while considering the need to preserve a reliable, affordable and sustainable electricity system. The results of the IESO’s analysis will inform the government’s policy on the eligibility of natural gas-fired resources and dual fuel (e.g., natural gas and hydrogen) resources for the LT1 RFP, the Expedited Procurement and Same Technology Expansions procurement.

April 25, 2022

Updated Summary of Comprehensive Electricity Plan Payments

A summary of monthly payments to come from the Province in fiscal year 2022/23 (i.e., the fiscal year ending on March 31, 2023) for the government’s Comprehensive Electricity Plan has been provided to the IESO by the Minister. The new payments are effective as of April 1, 2022 and will be reflected in April’s electricity market invoice released in May. While subject to change, forecasted amounts were also provided for fiscal year 2023/24 (i.e., the fiscal year ending on March 31, 2024).

April 14, 2022

Minister directs IESO to Enter into Contract for Oneida Battery Park Project, Waive Bruce Power Off-Ramp

Ontario’s Minister of Energy issued a revised directive to the IESO to enter into a procurement contract with Oneida Energy Storage LP for their proposed 250-megawatt Oneida Battery Storage facility, to be located in Haldimand County. The Minister has also directed the IESO to waive an off-ramp available to the IESO in 2023 related to the Bruce Power refurbishment agreement, reaffirming the government’s continued support for the role of Bruce Nuclear Generating Station in meeting Ontario’s projected electricity needs. The Bruce refurbishments will continue to be subject to cost and schedule requirements to ensure that they are only undertaken if they are cost-effective for Ontario ratepayers.

April 7, 2022

IESO asked to Support Ontario’s Low-Carbon Hydrogen Strategy

The Minister of Energy has asked the IESO to investigate and propose program options to integrate low-carbon hydrogen technologies into Ontario’s electricity grid for the purposes of balancing and strengthening our reliable electricity system and contributing to broader decarbonization.

The IESO will consider a number of innovative approaches and opportunities involving low carbon hydrogen technologies and report back to the Ministry of Energy by October 31, 2022, with program options, timelines, costs and any additional advice the IESO may have on how to proceed.

April 4, 2022

Minister Asks IESO to explore new procurement opportunities and the potential for new energy efficiency programs

The Minister of Energy has asked the IESO to explore new procurement opportunities to address additional needs identified in the 2022 Annual Acquisition Report and report back by July 15, 2022. Similarly, the IESO has been requested to examine and report back by July 29, 2022 with options and analysis for cost-effective additional or expanded CDM programming, which would contribute to meeting electricity system needs, including the growing agricultural greenhouse sector in Southwest Ontario.

March 31, 2022

Negotiations with Lake Erie LP to Move to Next Phase

The Minister of Energy has directed the IESO to continue negotiations with Lake Erie LP and enter into a contract by August 15, 2022, if certain conditions are met. The Lake Erie Connector is a proposed 1,000 MW high-voltage underwater transmission line that would provide the first direct interconnection between the wholesale electricity markets operated by the IESO in Ontario and PJM Interconnection LLC in the United States.

January 28, 2022

Minister Issues Directive on Procurement of Electricity Resources

The Minister supports the IESO’s multi-pronged approach to acquire products and services from electricity resources to meet reliability needs through complementary competitive procurement mechanisms, including the Capacity Auction, the Medium-Term Request for Proposals (MT RFP), and the Long-Term Request for Proposals (LT RFP). 

January 26, 2022

Minister asks IESO to Continue Contract Negotiations for Lake Erie Connector Project

The Minister of Energy has asked the IESO to continue its discussions with ITC and report back with an updated assessment its proposed Lake Erie Connector Project by March 22, 2022. The update is to include the status of discussions with PJM on a Joint Operating Agreement and a draft transmission agreement.

January 26, 2022

IESO To Report On The Design Of A Provincial Clean Energy Credit Registry

The Ministry of Energy has asked the IESO to assess options for the establishment and ongoing operation and management of a registry to support the creation and/or recognition, trading and valuation, and the retirement of renewable and clean energy credits (CECs) within the province.

December 9, 2021

Minister Issues Letter to Further Extend Conservation First Framework

The IESO has received a Ministerial directive that enables the IESO and local distribution companies to further extend timelines for the completion of certain projects under the now terminated Conservation First Framework to August 31, 2022. The directive also provides for a further four-month extension to December 31, 2022, if certain conditions are met as defined in the directive. The additional extensions provided for in this directive are intended to offset the disruptions that continue to be caused by COVID-19.

November 10, 2021

Continuing COVID-19 impacts on the Conservation First Framework

To help Save on Energy program participants who continue to be impacted by COVID-19, the Minister of Energy has issued a letter to the IESO regarding the government’s intent to consider options to enable the IESO to further extend program timelines for affected projects under the Conservation First Framework.

November 10, 2021

Minister of Energy Outlines Further IESO Actions to Address Resource Adequacy

The Minister of Energy today issued a letter to the IESO that sets out expectations for the IESO in meeting Ontario’s reliability needs. The Minister also confirmed the support provided by Minister Rickford in his May 31 letter for the IESO’s resource adequacy framework and the use of competitive mechanisms to ensure resource adequacy and provide value to ratepayers.

October 7, 2021

Minister Issues Letter to IESO Regarding the Future of Natural Gas Generation

The Ministry of Energy has asked the IESO to evaluate a moratorium on procurements of new natural gas generating stations in Ontario and develop a pathway to zero emissions in the electricity sector.

August 27, 2021

IESO to Draft a Contract for Oneida Battery Park Project

Ontario’s Minister of Energy has asked the IESO to proceed with drafting a ten-year contract with NRStor Inc. and Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corp. for their proposed 250-megawatt Oneida Battery Storage facility, to be located in Haldimand County.

The Minister’s letter asked the IESO to submit a drafted final contract for consideration before November 30, 2021, prior to a potential Minister’s Directive to execute a final contract.

June 10, 2021

Minister Issues Letter to IESO to Extend Conservation First Framework

The IESO has received a Ministerial directive that enables the IESO to further extend timelines for completion of certain projects under the now terminated Conservation First Framework (CFF) to December 31, 2021. The additional extension is intended to offset the disruptions that continue to be caused by COVID-19 and provide stability for participants and those businesses involved in delivering conservation and demand management programs.

May 31, 2021

Minister Issues Letter to IESO Regarding Future System Needs

The Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines has asked the IESO to proceed in putting forward its plans for resource acquisition to address Ontario’s emerging system needs based on the outcomes of the IESO’s Resource Adequacy Engagement.

May 13, 2021

Minister Asks IESO to Pursue Contract Negotiations for Lake Erie Connector Project

The Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines has asked the IESO to enter into contract negotiations with ITC on its Lake Erie Connector project which would establish a new 1000 MW underwater transmission intertie between Ontario and Pennsylvania, in the PJM service area.

May 7, 2021

COVID-19 impacts on the Conservation First Framework
The Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines has issued a letter to signal the government’s consideration of options to help mitigate the continued impacts of COVID-19 to eligible projects under the now terminated Conservation First Framework. More information regarding relief for participants is anticipated later this spring.  

February 22, 2021

Minister asks IESO to Explore Agreement for Oneida Battery Park Project
The Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines has asked the IESO to enter into contract negotiations with NRStor Inc. and Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corp. to explore a ten-year agreement for their proposed 250 megawatt Oneida Battery Storage facility, to be located in Haldimand County.

January 15, 2021
IESO to Report to Ministry on Potential Calstock Extension
The Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines has asked the IESO to enter into discussions with Atlantic Power on options for a new five-year contract for the Calstock biomass generating facility to support a longer-term transition plan for the forestry sector. The existing agreement between Atlantic Power and the Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation was previously extended to address the economic impact on the community of shutting down the facility. The agreement has now been extended an additional 12 months, to December 2021, to allow sufficient time for discussions with the IESO to take place. 

September 30, 2020
2021-2024 Conservation and Demand Management Framework

The Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines has directed the IESO to implement a 2021-2024 Conservation and Demand Management Framework launching the week of January 4, 2021. The new framework will be centrally-delivered by the IESO under the Save on Energy brand and will include incentive programs targeted to those who need them most, including opportunities for commercial, industrial, institutional, on-reserve First Nations, and income-eligible electricity consumers.

July 22, 2020
Conservation First Framework timelines extension
The Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines has directed the IESO to extend timelines for completion of certain projects and other related deadlines under the Conservation First Framework. These extensions are intended to offset the disruptions caused by COVID-19 and to provide stability for participants.

July 7, 2020

COVID-19 impacts on the Conservation First Framework

To help customers impacted by COVID-19, the Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines has issued a letter regarding the government’s intent to potentially enable the IESO to extend program timelines for projects under the Conservation First Framework. The extension will not be available until the IESO receives formal notification through a Ministerial directive.

February 14, 2020
Wind-down of Hydroelectric Contract Initiative (HCI)
The Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines has directed that the IESO to immediately discontinue and wind-down the HCI program on a go forward basis.

November 6, 2019

Review of Generation Contracts

The Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines with the support of the Associate Minister of Energy has directed the IESO to retain a third party to undertake a targeted review of existing generation contracts to identify opportunities to lower electricity costs. The IESO shall provide a report containing its key findings and recommendations to the Ministry no later than February 28, 2020.

November 6, 2019

IESO Report on Billing Practices, Industrial Conservation Initiative (ICI) and other matters.

The Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines with the support of the Associate Minister of Energy, has written a letter that asks the IESO to review and report back on opportunities to improve billing and settlement processes as well as customer service practices for electricity market participants. The report should also include an assessment of current processes and practices related to GA estimation and peak demand measurement. The report should be provided to ENDM by no later than February 28, 2020.

March 21, 2019

Interim Framework for the delivery of Energy Efficiency Programs
The Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines has directed the IESO to centrally deliver energy-efficiency programs in the province by implementing a new Interim Framework to take effect from April 1, 2019 to December 31, 2020. This framework will take the place of the Conservation First Framework with a new suite of Save on Energy programs to serve business and low-income customers, as well as Indigenous communities.

March 21, 2019
Discontinuation of the Conservation First Framework
The IESO has been directed to discontinue the Conservation First Framework and the Industrial Accelerator Program and wind them down in an orderly fashion, taking reasonable efforts to minimize costs. This and the Interim Framework directive are designed to reduce the costs associated with program delivery, while continuing to deliver a valuable and cost-effective system resource that helps customers better manage their energy costs.

July 13, 2018
Wind Down of Feed-in Tariff and Large Renewable Procurement Contracts
The Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines has directed the IESO to wind down certain Feed-in-Tariff and Large Renewable Procurement contracts. The directive notes that the IESO's recent system planning work indicates that Ontario's current contracted and rate regulated electricity resources are sufficient to satisfy or exceed forecasted provincial needs for the near term and that there are other means of meeting future energy supply and capacity needs at materially lower costs than long-term contracts that lock in the prices paid for these resources.

February 15, 2018
Approval of IESO’s Long-Term Energy Plan Implementation Plan
The Minister of Energy has approved the IESO’s Long-Term Energy Plan (LTEP) Implementation Plan, submitted on January 31, 2018, that sets out the actions the IESO will take to deliver the initiatives outlined in the LTEP.

February 8, 2018

Reallocation of Targets from the Industrial Accelerator Program to 2015-2020 Conservation First Framework and Deliver of Programs Targeted to On-Reserve First Nations Communities

The Minister directs that 0.4 TWh of the IAP electricity savings target be reallocated to the CFF target, which savings will be achieved through Centrally-Delivered and Province-wide LDC Programs. The IESO will establish a new budget to achieve the additional 0.4 TWh of savings under CFF without increasing the overall IAP and CFF budgets.

The Minister also directs that in consultation with Distributors serving on-reserve First Nations communities, the IESO will design and fund a centrally-designed First Nations Conservation Demand Management Program(s).

October 26, 2017
Plan to Implement Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
Following the issuance of the Ministry of Energy’s 2017 Long-Term Energy Plan, (LTEP), the IESO is directed to submit an Implementation Plan outlining the steps it will take to achieve the goals and objectives for nine specific initiatives set out in the LTEP. The Implementation Plan will include how the IESO will accomplish the specific policy reviews, processes and programs set out in the LTEP; how it will engage the public, Indigenous communities and stakeholders; as well as the key implementation milestones for each initiative. The plan is to be submitted to the Minister of Energy by January 31, 2018.

October 26, 2017
Amendments to Ministerial Directions Arising from the Long-Term Energy Plan 2017
The Minister issued amended directives to effect changes to conservation and Indigenous support programs arising from the 2017 Long-Term Energy Plan, including expanding the scope of conservation to recognize distribution system energy efficiency and to align conservation initiatives with initiatives identified in the 2016 to 2020 Climate Change Action Plan. en français

August 4, 2017
Updated Need Assessment for the East-West Tie

This letter requests that the IESO prepare an updated need assessment for the East-West Tie transmission project, consistent with the scope of previous need assessments requested by the Ontario Energy Board, to be delivered to the Ministry by December 1, 2017.

August 4, 2017
2015-2020 Conservation First Framework and Partnering with Green Ontario Fund; Delivery of Conservation and Demand Management Programs Targeted to the Low-Income Customer Segment
This direction requires the IESO to collaborate with the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) to support the establishment of the Green Ontario Fund, and to ensure that this new entity complements and builds on the success of the Province's existing suite of CDM programs. The IESO will enter into agreements with the MOECC or the Green Ontario Fund to support the design and delivery of Green Ontario Fund Programs with a focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy usage and energy sources from Ontario residences and businesses. This direction also indicates that the IESO shall centrally design, fund and deliver a province-wide CDM program(s) to the low-income customer segment and may allow a distributor to deliver a CDM program(s) targeted to the low-income customer segment in its service area.

May 30, 2017
Nagagami (Shekak) Generating Facility
This direction requires the IESO to establish and pay a hydrology adjustment to Constance Lake First Nation based on the production of the 19 megawatt Nagagami (Shekak) hydro-electric generating facility. The agreement between Constance Lake First Nation and the IESO will include the provision of a minimum annual hydrology adjustment, as well as an escalation clause to align with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Ontario.

February 13, 2017
Ontario Climate Change Solutions Deployment Corporation 
In this letter from the Minister, the IESO is asked to support the establishment of the Ontario Climate Change Solutions Deployment Corporation (OCCSDC), drawing on the IESO’s expertise and resources in the design and delivery of conservation and energy efficiency programs to provide online and other customer services. The Minister indicated that all costs incurred by the IESO related to this effort would be recovered from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Account, rather than from electricity ratepayers.

December 16, 2016
Non-Utility Generators (NUGs) under Contract with the Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation (OEFC), Feed-in Tariff (FIT) Procurements, 2015-2020 Conservation First Framework, and Delivery of Programs under the Conservation First Framework and the Industrial Accelerator Program
Pursuant to this directive, the IESO will enter into negotiations with OEFC NUGs to incentivize facilities to operate in a manner better aligned with system needs. The directive amends the FIT 5 procurement target and directs the IESO to cease accepting applications under the FIT Program by December 31, 2016. The IESO is directed to use the Conservation Fund to support Ontario Energy Board pilot projects for new pricing models and non-price tools. The IESO shall also deliver certain Province-Wide Distributor CDM Programs and shall undertake a pay-for-performance pilot program under the Industrial Accelerator Program.

December 8, 2016
IESO 2017-2019 Business Plan
The Minister has asked the IESO to include resourcing for the Market Renewal project in its 2017-2019 Business Plan and resubmit it to the Minister by February 1, 2017.

On March 21, 2017, the Minister of Energy approved the IESO’s 2017-2019 Business Plan.

More information on the IESO’s 2017-2019 Business Plan can be found in the Corporate Strategy and Business Planning section.

October 21, 2016
Ontario Quebec Electricity Trade
This direction calls for the IESO to negotiate and enter into one or more contractual agreements in accordance with the September 11, 2015, Memorandum of Understanding, which contemplated a medium-term electricity trade agreement between Ontario and Québec.

September 27, 2016
Directive from the Minister regarding LRP II RFQ Process and EFWSOP Cancellation
This directive calls for the IESO to suspend the LRP II and Energy-from-Waste procurements.

June 10, 2016
Letter from the Minister on the IESO Technical Report
The IESO has received a letter from the Minister requesting that the IESO submit, by September 1, 2016, a technical report that will provide a 10-year review and a 20-year forecast of the electricity system.

June 10, 2016
Upgrades to Existing Renewable Projects, Conservation First Framework and Support Programs

The IESO has received direction with respect to LRP II procurement, the design and delivery of CDM programs under the ongoing Conservation First Framework, as well as funding for Support Programs.

April 5, 2016
Future Renewable Energy Procurement
The IESO has received direction regarding the fuel source procurement targets and engagement process for the next round of the Large Renewable Procurement (LRP II). The Minister has also outlined details regarding the transition of the microFIT Program to a net metering initiative, as well as a base target and application window for the FIT 5 procurement.


For Directives prior to 2016, please contact