Applicability Criteria for Compliance with Reliability Requirements

All market participants who own or operate elements and facilities that form part of the IESO-controlled grid are subject to compliance with the IESO Market Rules. Furthermore, compliance with NERC reliability standards and NPCC criteria is mandatory only for those market participants (primarily generators and transmitters) that meet the criteria set out in the following "Applicability Criteria" document which is based on the functions they perform on the bulk power system and registration with the IESO.

The IESO has developed the "Applicability Criteria for Compliance with NERC Reliability Standards and NPCC Criteria" document to help market participants understand how NERC reliability standards and NPCC criteria apply to their organizations.

Milestone Spreadsheet

The following spreadsheet with a list of NERC standards and NPCC criteria applicable to each market participant class can be accessed below.

Ontario Market Participant Class

NERC Functional Model Entity

NERC Reliability Standard Mapping Tool/Spreadsheet**


Transmission Owner

** Includes only those requirements that are listed as “Effective” and "Future Effective".

Any questions or correspondence related to reliability standards compliance should be sent to