Sector Evolution
As set out in the IESO’s Innovation Roadmap 2019-2021 work plan, the IESO intends to develop and release a series of white papers called the Innovation and Sector Evolution White Paper Series. These white papers are intended to support the creation of a shared, fact-based understanding of emerging economic, technical, environmental, and social issues, opportunities and trends with the potential for significant future impact on Ontario’s electricity system and broader electricity sector and in particular on electricity market efficiency, affordability and reliability. The white papers are also intended to provide transparent, objective information to inform policy, planning and investment decisions and help overcome access-to-information barriers that can pose a challenge to participation in electricity markets. Finally, by engaging a wide range of stakeholders and interested parties in the development of the research white papers, IESO hopes to reduce duplication of efforts by interested parties by creating a joint research/learning opportunity.
The IESO will seek feedback from communities and stakeholders on the design of the innovation and sector evolution white papers. Additional details on the IESO’s plans to engage communities and stakeholders throughout the process can be found in the engagement plan. All comments and enquiries on this engagement can be directed to
Innovation and Sector Evolution White Papers under Development
For further details on the research topics, research questions and engagement timeline and details of each paper please review the respective Project Brief. As future white papers are initiated, Project Briefs will be added to this web-page.
White papers to be initiated in 2019
1. Distributed Energy Resources: Models for Expanded Participation in Wholesale Markets
2. Non-Wires Alternative Markets
3. Transmission-Distribution Interoperability
4. Consumer Preferences, Choices and Behaviours Impacting Electricity Supply and Demand
White papers to be initiated in 2020
5. Transportation Sector Decarbonization: Electricity Grid Implications
6. Applications of AI, Machine Learning and other Advanced Technology in the Electricity Sector
White papers to be initiated in 2021
7. Distributed Energy Resources: Capability to Provide Bulk and Distributed Level Products & Services
8. The Decarbonized Economy: Impact of Externalities on Wholesale Markets
Documents referenced on this page, but not posted, can be obtained by contacting with a link to the web page that lists the document and advise whether it needs to be provided in an accessible format. Please allow a minimum of one business day for a response.
Additional details on the specific engagement forums and schedule for each individual white paper can be found in the respective white paper project brief.
Date | Engagement Activity/White Paper under Discussion | Expected Actions |
March 31, 2022 |
February 23, 2022 |
A presentation on the objectives of the AI white paper. We will also be seeking feedback on key considerations to inform the future strategy of this technology and to understand the market participant goals. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Whitepaper Draft Engagement Plan
This webinar was presented during the IESO's February stakeholder engagement sessions, see full agenda for more information. |
December 10, 2020 |
IESO is seeking feedback from participants on the draft paper, including on the participation options, which will inform planning for future work to enable DERs |
November 19, 2020
This engagement meeting will discuss Part II of the Exploring Expanded DER Participation in the IESO-Administered Markets white paper, building on earlier discussions about proposed options and considerations from earlier in the year. Stakeholders will be encouraged to share their feedback on the draft paper, including on the participation options, which will inform planning for future work to enable DERs.
Public Webinar: Draft White Paper: |
This webinar was presented during the IESO's November stakeholder engagement sessions, see the full agenda for more information.
Q1/Q2 2020
Beginning Phase Three of Engagement
July 9, 2020
Development of a Transmission-Distribution Interoperability Framework Download a copy. |
June 1, 2020 |
Non-Wires Alternatives Using Energy and Capacity Markets Download a copy. |
February 13, 2020 |
Part 2: Options for Enabling DER Participation Stakeholder feedback on materials presented at the January 30th webinar |
January 30, 2020 |
Part 2: Options for Enabling DER Participation Public Webinar |
January 10, 2020 |
Non-Wires Alternatives Using Energy and Capacity Markets Development of a Transmission-Distribution Interoperability Framework Stakeholder feedback due on materials presented at December 12th meeting
December 12, 2019 |
Non-Wires Alternatives Using Energy and Capacity Markets Development of a Transmission-Distribution Interoperability Framework Public Webinar
Draft White Papers:
November 7, 2019 |
Part 1: Conceptual Models for DER Participation Stakeholder feedback on materials presented at the October 24th meeting
IESO Response to Stakeholder Feedback |
Q3 2019
Beginning of Phase Two of Engagement
October 24, 2019 |
Part 1: Conceptual Models for DER Participation Public Webinar
Recorded Presentation |
June 26, 2019
Part 1: Conceptual Models for DER Participation Non-Wires Alternatives Using Energy and Capacity Markets Development of a Transmission-Distribution Interoperability Framework Consumer Preferences and Behaviours Stakeholder feedback on materials and issued discussed at the June 12th webinar Stakeholder Feedback
IESO Response to Stakeholder Feedback |
June 12, 2019 |
Non-Wires Alternatives Using Energy and Capacity Markets Development of a Transmission-Distribution Interoperability Framework Consumer Preferences and Behaviours Public Webinar
May/June 2019 |
IESO Response to Feedback and Posting of Final Research Questions |
April 26 – May 10, 2019 |
Non-Wires Alternatives Using Energy and Capacity Markets Development of a Transmission-Distribution Interoperability Framework Consumer Preferences and Behaviours Window for Written Feedback Stakeholder Feedback
IESO Response to Stakeholder Feedback |
March-May 2019
Discussions with existing IESO engagement forums
April 26, 2019
Non-Wires Alternatives Using Energy and Capacity Markets Development of a Transmission-Distribution Interoperability Framework Consumer Preferences and Behaviours Public Webinar
April 2019 |
Beginning of Phase One of Engagement |