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New Webinar for Regional Electricity Planning in the Greater Toronto Area West Region

October 24, 2024

Regional electricity planning has kicked-off in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) West electrical region to ensure a reliable supply of electricity, and to support local growth and economic development. The GTA West electrical region generally encompasses the municipalities of Brampton, Caledon, Halton Hills, Mississauga, Milton, Oakville and Burlington.

This webinar will take place on Tuesday, October 29 at 10:00 a.m. During the webinar, the IESO will provide attendees with an overview of the electricity planning process and seek input on the draft Scoping Assessment report to determine the most appropriate planning approach going forward to meet the region’s electricity needs.

The draft report and presentation materials will be made available in advance of the webinar. All participants are asked to register in advance. For more information about the engagement, please visit the GTA West engagement webpage.

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