June Stakeholder Engagement Meetings - Agenda Posted
May 30, 2024
The agenda for the June 19-20 engagement meetings is now available and registration is open. The June engagement meetings will include:
- Transmitter Selection Framework: Discuss and solicit feedback on transmission planning considerations, including the engagement roadmap, the role of transmitters and the evaluation of technical designs.
- Bulk Planning Studies Update: Overview of the bulk planning process and progress to date for two active bulk studies, the South and Central Bulk Study and the Northern Ontario Bulk Study.
- Capacity Auction Enhancements: Continue discussions on future enhancements and feedback received to date.
- Market Renewal Program Implementation: Overview of the posting of the Final Alignment batch of Market Rule amendments and the Market Trials test phase, as well as an update on the Load Forecast Deviation Adjustment.
- IESO York Region Non-Wires Alternatives Demonstration Project: Present the final evaluation of the IESO York Region Non-Wires Alternatives Demonstration.
Interested participants can register now by clicking “register” on the associated engagement webpages or on the agenda. Recordings and presentations from the May engagement meetings are now available. Please contact engagement@ieso.ca with any questions.