December Stakeholder Engagement Meetings - Agenda Posted
November 23, 2023
The agenda for the December 12-15 stakeholder engagement meetings is now available, and registration is open. The December engagement meetings will include:
- Market Renewal Program - Update to MPM Documents: The IESO will describe refinements to the market power mitigation market rules, market manuals and workbooks.
- Market Renewal Program - Update on Market Facing Reports: The IESO will discuss reports that have been updated during the process of implementing the detailed design.
- Market Renewal Program - Updates on Market Power Mitigation, Settlements, and Reports: The IESO will present revised market documents relating to market power mitigation, updates to Market Renewal reports, and settlement design changes.
Interested participants can register now by clicking “register” on the associated engagement web pages or on the agenda. In addition, please note that all presentations from the November engagement meetings are now available and recordings from each session are either posted now or will be by the end of this week.
Please contact with any questions.