Market Renewal Newsletter - September Update
September 27, 2023
September Updates
Posting of the Market and System Operations Batch and Market Renewal Program Consolidated Draft
The Market and System Operations batch of Market Rules and Manuals was recently posted for stakeholder review. Two webinars were presented during the IESO's July stakeholder engagement days on July 27 and 28 to aid stakeholders in preparing for their review of the draft batch of market rules and market manual amendments. Recordings of the July 27 and July 28 engagement meetings are available. Additional Q and A sessions targeted by resource type will be held this week until October 3. Register for an upcoming session now.
This Market Renewal Program (MRP) Consolidated Draft version of the market rules and manuals contains all of the market rule and manual amendments that the IESO has posted for stakeholder review as of June 21, 2023. The MRP Consolidated Draft are provided for reference purposes only, and are intended to assist market participants in their review of the evolving set of proposed market rule and manual amendments related to MRP. View the MRP Consolidated Draft.
Coming soon, release of the first batch of new and updated MRP schema, sample and help files for IESO Reports
Coming soon, the IESO will post the first batch of schema, sample, and help files for revised and new MRP reports on the Technical Reference Materials page.
Market participants are recommended to review schema and samples of the new and revised reports to determine any changes needed to be made to receive information in downstream processes and systems before MRP Go-Live.
If market participants experience any issues accessing the sample, schema, and help files for the new and revised IESO reports, please contact IESO Customer Relations at
Implementation Working Group
The Implementation Working Group (IWG) held a meeting in July and discussed qTest, a software used for testing, and market participant readiness assessment updates, as well as a preview of the Market Renewal “day-in-the-life” Overview presentations. View the materials.
Designating an MRP Contact Person
To ensure the IESO can support your organization’s MRP readiness activities, market participants are asked to identify a designated MRP Contact Person who will receive program updates and provide feedback to the Readiness Team on your organization’s level of readiness. Please provide the IESO with your organization's designated MRP Contact person by emailing
New Participant Types – Price Responsive Load and Virtual Traders
MRP will enable two new participant type options: Price Responsive Load and Virtual Traders. More details on these two options will be provided by the IESO in the coming months as part of our MRP readiness activities.
To help inform training plans over the next 18 months, the IESO would like insights into which organizations may be interested in considering being a Price Responsive Load or Virtual Trader. Send us an email at if this is something your organization is currently considering.
Refreshed MRP Readiness webpages
The IESO recently launched a dedicated section where market participants will be able to access materials to support them as they prepare for MRP go-live. Review the Market Participant readiness checklist and day-in-the-life documents and you can access the technical reference materials. More content will be added over the coming months.
Transmission Rights Market Enhancements and Platform Refresh
The IESO is launching a new engagement to inform market participants of upcoming enhancements to the Transmission Rights (TR) market. The IESO received recommendations and feedback from the Ontario Energy Board's Market Surveillance Panel (MSP) regarding potential inefficiencies. The MSP emphasized the importance of continuous improvements to the current market design while the Market Renewal Program is underway.
The IESO completed a Transmission Rights Market Review in June 2021 that identified certain enhancements, or high-value opportunities, that will improve the efficiency, value and function of the TR market today and in the future. This includes updating the TR auction platform to align with current IESO software and introducing multiple bid laminations to enhance the market.
The IESO is engaging with market participants and other interested parties to ensure an open and transparent process prior to a Market Rules review by the IESO’s Technical Panel.
For more information, visit: Transmission Rights Market Enhancement and Platform Refresh.
Upcoming Events and Key Dates
Multiple sessions this week until October 3: Q and A sessions on the Market and Systems Operations batch
A series of meetings tailored by resource type will be held. View the materials and register for an upcoming session.
September 29: Feedback due on Charge Types and Equations
Stakeholder feedback is due on the various charge types and equations used in the IESO settlements process for IESO-administered markets.
October 20:
Feedback due on the implementation design modification presented at the September 21 engagement session.
November 8: Feedback due on the Market and System Operations Batch
Stakeholder feedback is due on the Market and System Operations Batch. Stakeholders can submit questions and feedback to Please submit all feedback using the feedback form.