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North & East of Sudbury Region Electricity Plan Posted

April 13, 2023

The North & East of Sudbury region electricity plan – Integrated Regional Resource Plan (IRRP) – that considers electricity demand and supply conditions over the next 20 years, is now online. The electricity plan recommends a package of solutions to address emerging needs related to operations and asset renewal identified for this region, including: 

  • Investigate options to improve operability of existing Dymond TS capacitors and adding reactive devices in the Kirkland Lake area;
  • Proceed with plans to replace circuits reaching end-of-life in the Iroquois Falls and Cochrane areas with a like-for-like replacement, subject to confirmation before these projects are committed;
  • Continued monitoring of load growth at Ramore TS in the Kirkland Lake area in preparation for the next planning cycle; and,
  • Investigate and recommend solutions to load security issues in the area north of Timmins in the next iteration of bulk system planning in Northeast Ontario.
Visit the engagement web page for additional details about study scope, region and engagement and to download the full report.

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