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Resource Eligibility Interim Report Released

October 13, 2022

In response to a request from the Minister of Energy, the IESO has released a Resource Eligibility Interim Report that provides recommendations on the eligibility of natural gas projects in ongoing procurements for new electricity capacity.

In the report, the IESO recommends pursuing a diverse portfolio of supply options in its procurements to meet Ontario’s resource adequacy needs. The procurement will target 4,000 MW of new capacity from a variety of resources including approximately 2,500 MW of storage, contributions from other non-emitting resources such as hybrids and biofuel resources, and up to 1,500 MW of natural gas.

In response to this report, the Minister of Energy issued a Directive authorizing a number of resource procurement actions including the Expedited Long-Term Request for Proposals (E-LT1 RFP), the Same Technology Upgrades Solicitation, and a five-year contract extension for Chapleau Generating Station. The Directive also outlines the resource eligibility requirements for the upcoming procurements in line with the IESO’s recommendation in its Resource Eligibility Interim Report.

The IESO continues to move forward with these actions with the final E-LT1 RFP and Contract to be posted November 1.

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