Medium-Term RFP Draft Document Posted for Review
November 4, 2021
The draft Medium-Term Request for Proposals (RFP) is now available for stakeholder input, marking another step forward in the IESO’s efforts to address growing supply needs this decade. These supply needs are driven by increasing demand, the retirement of the Pickering nuclear plant, the refurbishment of other nuclear generating units, and expiring contracts for existing facilities.
The Medium-Term RFP is intended to competitively procure up to 750 MW of unforced capacity (UCAP) from existing electricity generation or storage resources for a three-year commitment period starting May 1, 2026 with an optional two-year extension. A draft capacity contract will also be posted soon, with all input due back to the IESO by December 10, 2021. The final RFP and contract will be posted in early 2022.
This RFP represents another mechanism set out in the Resource Adequacy Framework to acquire resources based on their ability to offer services such as capacity or energy and not by fuel type. For this initial procurement, existing resources are best positioned to cost-effectively meet capacity needs emerging mid-decade and maintain reliability. It will be followed by other procurements - including a Long-Term RFP and subsequent cadenced medium-term RFPs, with expanded eligibility.
To learn about upcoming information sessions and receive future updates related to the Medium-Term RFP, please register here.