Market Renewal Newsletter - October Update
October 21, 2020
Every issue we’re featuring an update from someone different on the Market Renewal team to shed light into their line of work.From the desk of...
Jessica Tang, Manager, Energy Implementation
We’ve been quietly working away on the implementation phase of the Market Renewal Program (MRP) since earlier this year. We are now at an exciting moment with the detailed design coming closer to an end and we begin to translate these designs into rules, manuals, processes and tools - our key implementation deliverables.
I am primarily responsible for all external participant deliverables such as rules, manuals and eventually helping you manage interactions with our new market systems.
First up will be our new market rules and market manuals. MRP gives the IESO a huge opportunity to apply the governance framework around how to engage and get feedback on market rules and market manuals – which will be presented together so you can see the complete picture. To better facilitate this review, we organized the 13 design documents into six market rules and market manual batches. We believe these batches represent an appropriate grouping of topics while keeping reviews at a manageable level. You can view the first batch now on the website.
And, as we have throughout the high-level and detailed design phases, we will continue to schedule engagement sessions to assist you in your reviews. During this part of the implementation phase, these sessions will include education as well as summaries of the major changes seen in the draft market rules and draft market manuals.
In July, we presented our engagement approach for draft market rules and draft market manuals as well as how we’ll be engaging on reference levels and quantities. We recently released our engagement plan and later this month we’ll provide you with an update on what’s on the horizon at the October Stakeholder Engagement Day.
I’m looking forward to collaborating with you as we embark on this next phase of work.
What we're working on
Wrapping up detailed design
All detailed design documents are now available for review on the IESO website. The final document for the pre-dispatch calculation engine, the scheduling process that is a means to transition from day-ahead scheduling to real-time operations, was posted on September 30, and feedback is due by December 2.
In support of your review, we’ll be hosting a technical session on the Pre-Dispatch Calculation Engine design document, at the October 26 Stakeholder Engagement Day.
Now that all the detailed design documents have been posted, you also have the opportunity to provide new feedback applicable to previously released detailed design documents as a result of the three recently released calculation engine documents by December 2.
We recently posted our responses to feedback for the Offers, Bids and Data Inputs (OBDI), Grid and Market Operations Integration (GMOI), Market Power Mitigation (MPM), Market Settlement (MK STLMT). We will be posting more responses later this fall in addition to a document that tracks changes made to the detailed design documents as a result of stakeholder feedback.
Implementation phase
The detailed design phase is critical in establishing the foundation for the implementation phase which includes the review of draft rules and manuals prior to the Technical Panel and IESO Board approval process that will begin in 2021.
The IESO has already commenced engagement on the implementation phase on specific topics where additional time and discussion with stakeholders is required (i.e. establishing reference levels and reference quantities within the Market Power Mitigation Framework).
The first batch of materials as part of the Market Entry and Prudential Security Market Rules and Market Manuals were recently posted and available for review and stakeholder feedback by November 9.
Rest assured that items raised by stakeholders during detailed design that are best addressed in implementation are being tracked and incorporated in this phase. We will also be posting a list of the items being carried forward for consideration during the implementation phase at the same time as the design change tracker is being posted, in early 2021.
Related IESO news -
Resource Adequacy engagement
The IESO launched the Resource Adequacy engagement to establish a framework to competitively acquire capacity to meet short, mid, and long-term electricity system needs in a way that effectively balances cost and risk and ensures full implementation in time to address larger capacity needs forecast to begin in 2028. The first webinar was held on September 28 and discussed the background and previous stakeholder engagement that took place, the proposed approach and timeline, and further details on the IESO’s proposed resource adequacy strategy. View the recorded presentation.
Stakeholder feedback on the Real-Time Calculation Engine document is due by October 30. Feedback on the Pre-Dispatch Calculation Engine document and feedback on the overall design (as a result of the recently posted calculation engine documents) is due by December 2. You can read the documents, download the feedback forms and email them to
Key dates
- October 26 – MRP items at the Stakeholder Engagement Day
- October 30 – Real-time calculation engine document feedback due
- November 9 – Feedback on the first batch of Market Entry and Prudentials Market Rules and Market Manuals is due
- November 18-20 – November Stakeholder Engagement days
- December 2 – Pre-dispatch calculation engine document feedback due and new feedback as a result of the calculation engine documents
Did you know?
With the proposed single schedule market design, market prices will reflect the true costs of producing or consuming electricity at a given place and time. Transparent price signals will support more open competition between market participants and lead to more efficient outcomes without the need for the out-of-market payments that are a necessary feature of the current design. As technology changes empower a larger range of consumers, more granular pricing will help consumers connect their actions to needs on the system, and maximize the economic benefit for both.