Materials now posted for the February 21 Stakeholder Advisory Committee meeting
February 15, 2018
Materials for the February 21 Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting are now posted to the SAC webpage. The presentation on the Long-Term Energy Plan is yet to be posted but will follow shortly.
This meeting will launch the IESO’s business planning process by seeking priorities from SAC members on what the IESO should consider in the development of the 2019 - 2021 Business Plan. Other agenda items will invite input and discussion on a number of IESO initiatives including the Conservation Framework Mid-Term Review draft results, the Market Renewal Program as well as updates on the IESO Implementation Plan for the Long Term Energy Plan. Members and attendees will also receive updates on a number of IESO business items including the 2018-2020 Business Plan, proposed corporate performance measures for 2018, activities within Conservation as well as updates on a number of active engagement initiatives.
The meeting is open to all interested parties and is being held in downtown Toronto. Registration will open at 9:00 am, with the meeting following from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. To register, send an email to indicating whether you would like to attend the SAC meeting in person or participate via teleconference.