Four new Technical Panel members appointed
March 9, 2017
The IESO Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Robert Bieler, Ron Collins, Sarah Griffiths and Joe Saunders to the IESO Technical Panel.
Robert Bieler, Project Development Director, General Electric Canada, has been selected to represent the Consumers sector. Ron Collins, President and CEO, Sinopa Energy Inc., will represent the Energy Related Businesses and Services sector. Sarah Griffiths, Director, Regulatory Affairs, EnerNOC Ltd., will be representing the Other Market Participants sector. Joe Saunders, Vice President, Regulatory Compliance & Asset Management, Burlington Hydro, will represent the Distributors sector.
A current list of the membership can be found on the Technical Panel Membership webpage.
The Technical Panel, appointed by the IESO Board, proposes and reviews amendments to the Market Rules and, as requested, advises the Board on specific technical issues related to the operation of the IESO-administered markets.