Materials available for August 17 Stakeholder Advisory Committee meeting
August 11, 2016
Available materials for the August 17 SAC meeting are now posted. Remaining items will be posted shortly.
Materials for the meeting include updates on a number of current IESO initiatives including activities within conservation, regional planning, renewables procurement and other active engagements. Other items on the SAC Agenda will invite discussion from Committee members, and other stakeholders, on the IESO's draft Business Plan for 2017 to 2019, initial steps on the Mid-Term Review for the Conservation First Framework and the Market Renewal project. Visit the IESO SAC webpage for a more detailed outline of this discussion.
The meeting is being held in downtown Toronto from 8:30 am (registration opens at 8:00 am) to approximately noon and is open to the public.
To register, send an email to indicating whether you would like to attend in person or participate in the discussion via teleconference.