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Registration reminder for the May 11 Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting

May 5, 2016

The May 11 SAC meeting will provide information and invite discussions among Committee members and other attendees on current initiatives in Ontario's electricity sector. Agenda items include discussions on the development of the IESO's 2017 Corporate Performance Measures and the Ontario Planning Outlook as well as the IESO's expected operations in the short term and future system operability needs.

Materials will be available in advance of the meeting. Visit the SAC webpage to read about discussions at past meetings including the NotesMeeting  from the last meeting held on March 23.

The SAC meeting is open to the public and will be held in downtown Toronto starting at 9:15 am, with registration open at 8:45 am. To register, send an email to indicating whether you would like to attend in person or participate in the discussion via teleconference.

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