The Peterborough to Kingston region includes Frontenac County, Hasting County, Northumberland County, Peterborough County, Prince Edward County, parts of Lennox and Addington County, and related municipalities.
The local distribution companies providing services to customers in the area include:
Eastern Ontario Power
Elexicon Energy
Hydro One Networks Inc.
Kingston Hydro
Lakefront Utilities
Peterborough Utilities
Community Engagement
The IESO engages with local and regional communities to seek input to help inform planning activities. There are currently no active regional planning engagement activities for this region. See Key Resources below for the latest planning documents.
The most recent regional planning cycle for the region was completed with the release of an Integrated Regional Resource Plan (IRRP) and the supporting Appendices in November 2021. The plan is to monitor load growth in the Kingston area and trigger development work, and ultimately construction, for a new 230 kV transformer station, when required; and meanwhile, also continue development of energy efficiency programs for the area. In the meantime, distribution load transfers will be implemented to help balance load growth between the transformer stations in the Kingston area.
The plan also recommends a new transformer station in Belleville at the site of the existing Belleville TS. In addition, the plan makes recommendations regarding the scope of replacement of transmission facilities at their end-of-life, and some minor station upgrades to improve supply in the area.