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Projects Funded

Since its inception, the Grid Innovation Fund has supported a variety of projects – ranging from the development of new technologies to help balance the grid, to programs designed to increase customer engagement in energy efficiency. The Fund takes innovative ideas from partners and turning them into knowledge that enables the enhanced reliability, sustainability and resilience of the provincial electricity system.

Grid Innovation Fund Reporting

Below is a collection of reports and third party evaluations that outline the progress, success and learnings of completed and ongoing projects:

  • Joint Targeted Call Interim Report: The OEB’s Innovation Sandbox and the IESO’s Grid Innovation Fund held a joint targeted call for innovative proposals on DER integration, focusing on projects that test the capabilities of DERs in providing grid services at both the local and provincial levels.
  • 2021 Grid Innovation Fund Third Party Evaluation: A third-party analysis of Grid Innovation Fund projects showed that if these innovative technologies were to be adopted more widely across the province, they could reduce costs to Ontario’s energy system and customers by half a billion dollars.

Active Projects Directory

The table below provides recent Grid Innovation Fund projects. Filter by project category, or order by proponent name or year. Download its project brief to learn more. For a complete list of project investments by the Grid Innovation Fund and its predecessor funds, please see the Grid Innovation Fund Portfolio.