Reliability Standards Auditing
The IESO's Market Assessment and Compliance Division (MACD) is accountable for monitoring and enforcing compliance with reliability standards.
As part of this mandate, MACD conducts compliance audits to assess whether Ontario market participants comply with the applicable reliability standards established by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), the Northeast Power Coordinating Council (NPCC) and the IESO.
MACD publishes an annual Compliance Monitoring Plan, which includes a subset of reliability standards for audit consideration in the following year. Prior to actual audits, MACD notifies those market participants selected for audit of the scope, information submission requirements and timelines for the audit. Additional details about the audit process are available in the Compliance Auditing Process Manual.
Who is Eligible for Audit?
All Market Participants with facilities registered with the IESO, including those who meet the IESO's Applicability Criteria for Compliance with NERC Reliability Standards and NPCC Criteria.