Market Renewal Program - Training for Market Participants

The IESO has developed the following materials to educate Market Participants on the changes that will be implemented in the renewed market: 

  1. MRP – eLearning Modules 
    The Market Overview eLearning Modules explain market-related processes from registration to settlement under the renewed market for nine different participant types. Market Participants can access and complete relevant modules on demand. 
  2. MRP – Training Materials 
    Self-directed training materials in the form of training guides and quick takes have been created to assist Market Participants in understanding the new concepts that will be introduced by the Market Renewal Program (MRP).
  3. MRP – Participant Tool Training 
    Market Participants can find the updated user guides and manuals for specific IESO tools and interfaces. Market Participants can use these documents to perform testing activities during Market Trials and End-to-End Testing.