Frequently Asked Questions
When will new applications be accepted?
At this time, new applications for the Indigenous Energy Support Program (IESP) will not be accepted as the intake period is not currently open. Another intake period is anticipated to open in Spring 2025. Details regarding the next intake will be provided here and on the program web page once they are available.
Please see the IESP program web page for program documents, as well as information on the application process. Please contact the IESP team at with any questions.
Can I apply for multiple Areas of Funding (AOF) for a project in one application?
Yes, applicants may submit a single application for funding under one or more AOF, so long as the application submitted is for a single project. The maximum funding amount requested is subject to the aggregate funding limit for each AOF and any other requirements set out in the IESP Program Guidelines.
Where the Applicant is applying to the IESP for more than one project, the Applicant must submit a separate application for each project. For clarity, each application must have a unique project scope where activities across each AOF are related, if applying to more than one AOF.
How much funding can I receive for projects proposed under the IESP in a calendar year?
Applicants may be eligible to apply for funding under one or more AOF, subject to the maximum AOF and Project Type amounts, across various applications, up to an aggregate maximum approved funding amount of $730,000 per calendar year.
Can I apply for Community Energy Champion (CEC) funding as well as another AOF in the same application?
No, applicants may not apply for funding under another AOF within the same application if applying for funding under the Capacity Building (Part A) AOF (i.e. Community Energy Champion funding). For the avoidance of doubt, applicants seeking to access funding under the Capacity Building (Part A) AOF must submit a separate application for such funding.
Under the Economic Development AOF, can I apply for Feasibility Study, Partnership, Project Development for a related project all in one application?
Applicants seeking to access funding for a Feasibility Study under the Economic Development AOF may not apply for funding under the Project Development, Partnerships or Innovation Project Type within the same application if the Project Development or Innovation funding request is for the same project that is contingent on the results of the Feasibility Study.
Do I need to hire a Community Energy Champion (CEC) prior to applying for the Energy Resiliency & Monitoring AOF?
When seeking funding for the development of a new community energy plan, applicants are encouraged, but not required, to have a Community Energy Champion (CEC) hired prior to applying to the Energy Resiliency & Monitoring AOF.
When seeking funding for updating an existing community energy plan, applicants are required to have a CEC hired prior to submitting an application to the Energy Resiliency & Monitoring AOF.
My community/organization has previously accessed and was approved for funding under one of the legacy Energy Support Programs (ESPs). Can I submit a new IESP application?
The IESO will continue to receive, review and process any deliverables relating to previously issued Funding Agreement(s) and their respective work plan and budgets. Communities and organizations may submit an application to the IESP while a previously issued Funding Agreement(s) remain active. IESP applicants are encouraged to connect with the IESP team to discuss how new proposals may impact any active Funding Agreement(s).
Should you have concerns around meeting the criteria outlined in your previously issued Funding Agreement(s), or wish to discuss the implications of delayed project activities, please reach out to discuss next steps by email.
My contract end date for an existing Funding Agreement is approaching and I will not be able to submit final deliverables at this time. Will extensions be provided?
The IESP team will review the timelines outlined in your Funding Agreement and provide further guidance to individual Recipients on a case by case basis. Please get in touch with your program lead by email to discuss next steps. You will be requested to provide reasonable explanations and get approvals from the IESP staff to allow acceptable submission delays.
Contact IESP Staff
The IESP team is here to help you at any point along the way. Applicants needing more information or interested in making a submission should email