Regulation Service Procurements

2017 Regulation RFP

In 2016, the IESO determined the need for an additional 50 MW of regulation service. This 50 MW was incremental to the 100 MW of regulation service that the IESO typically schedules every hour.

The 2017 RFP for Incremental Regulation Capacity was aimed at obtaining incremental regulation capacity from all manner of technologies, including those that are existing and currently registered in the IESO-administered markets and those that had the ability to register in the IESO-administered markets at a later date.

Through the Regulation RFP process, the IESO offered two contracts, representing ±55 MW of regulation capacity across two new energy storage facilities in Ontario. Unfortunately, neither facility achieved commercial operation and both contracts were terminated. In the intervening time, changes to Ontario’s supply mix have reduced the need for additional regulation service capacity.

2017 Regulation RFP Documents
Procurement Documents Webinars