January Stakeholder Engagement Meetings - Agenda Posted
January 9, 2025
The agenda for the January 28-30 engagement meetings is now available and registration is open. The January meetings include:
- Long-Term 2 RFP: Overview of feedback received from the last session and next steps for the first LT2 procurement window.
- Long Lead-Time Resource Procurement: Insights from the RFI responses and a discussion of considerations related to the design of a long lead-time resource procurement.
- Market Renewal Program: Overview of Cutover Testing and Pre-Production Testing during MRP.
- Local Generation Program: Information on the Local Generation Program and gather feedback on the design of the program.
- Capacity Auction Enhancements: Overview of recent feedback and continue discussion of 2025 enhancements, including proposed market rule and manual amendments.
Please contact engagement@ieso.ca with any questions.