2025-2027 Electricity Demand Side Management Program Plan Released
January 23, 2025
As part of the IESO’s $10.9 billion, 12-year funding commitment from the Ontario government for continued and expanded demand-side management opportunities for electricity consumers across the province, the IESO will prepare and execute three-year electricity demand-side management (eDSM) plans that will establish budgets and demand and energy savings targets by sector.
The program plan for 2025-2027, which is now available on the IESO’s website, includes a summary of the eDSM programs to be delivered by the IESO under the Save on Energy brand from January 2025 to December 2027. The 2025-2027 plan has a budget of $1.8 billion and is forecasted to achieve 900 MW of peak demand savings, 4.6 TWh of electricity savings by 2027 and is expected to achieve positive cost-benefit benchmarks.