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IESO Launches Two New Save on Energy Programs

September 5, 2024

The Save on Energy Commercial CoolSaver and HomeEnergySaver programs are now available in select areas around the province. These programs provide incentives that help homes and businesses improve their energy efficiency and reduce costs while supporting reliability in areas where electricity system needs have been identified.

The Commercial CoolSaver program is available in York Region and offers tune-ups for roof-top HVAC units on commercial buildings. This program also provides incentives for maintenance on demand-controlled ventilation systems, electronically commutated motors for supply fans and notched or synchronous belts for HVAC systems.

The HomeEnergySaver program provides residents with electrically heated homes a rebate for the purchase and installation of a heat pump. Up to $5,000 is available for an energy-efficient air source heat pump and $10,000 is available for a ground source heat pump. A rebate for a smart thermostat is also available.

For more information, please visit the program websites:

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