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Annual Stakeholder and Communities Survey - Call for Participants

September 23, 2024

We are inviting Bulletin subscribers to participate in the IESO’s annual survey of stakeholders, communities and customers. Your insights will help us understand your level of familiarity, trust and confidence in the IESO as well as your overall experience with the organization.

This year’s survey will be conducted by Forum Research, a market research and public opinion firm. All responses will be kept completely confidential and the IESO will receive only high-level results. No identifying information on participants, or their responses, will be shared with us. If you have not already received an email about the survey, you can request that a link be sent to you at 2024 IESO Stakeholder and Community Engagement Survey Sign Up ( The survey should take approximately 15 – 20 minutes to complete.

Thank you for your feedback in advance. The input and feedback we receive from our partners is integral to the development of our strategies and our decision-making processes – and it strengthens Ontario’s electricity sector.

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