May Stakeholder Engagement Meetings - Agenda Posted
May 2, 2024
The agenda for the May 21-23 engagement meetings is now available and registration is open. The May engagement meetings will include:
- Updates to IESO Monitoring Requirements Phasor Data: Update on the applicable market rules that will be effective by the end of 2024.
- Interchange Schedule Code MrNH: Information session on upcoming changes to the interchange schedule code, MrNH (Miso Ramp/New York Hour-Ahead Market).
- Capacity Auction Enhancements: Update on the prioritization of future enhancements and a review of Market Rule amendments.
- Long-Term 2 RFP: Presentation on the different procurement streams, resource eligibility and timelines.
Interested participants can register now by clicking “register” on the associated engagement webpages or on the agenda. Recordings and presentations from the May engagement meetings are now available. Please contact with any questions.