Monthly Engagement Update and February Meetings
February 15, 2024
The February engagement update, which provides the status and next steps of all active engagements, is now available. Meeting materials for the February engagement session are now posted and the agenda for this month includes:
The IESO is hosting a webinar with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) on the LT2 RFP on February 22. As the lead for the land use planning system in Ontario, MMAH will provide an overview of the provincial land use planning framework and OMAFRA will focus on the current land use planning policies in place to guide the siting of energy projects in prime agricultural areas. Registration is open.
The IESO is hosting a public webinar to present an overview of the upcoming bulk transmission system planning activities and proposed engagement approach, as well as provide an update on the Central-West bulk plan. Registration is open.
Transmitter Selection Framework
The IESO is hosting the first Focused Engagement Session in support of the design of the Transmitter Selection Framework and the Summer 2024 report-back to the Minister of Energy. Registration is open.
Please contact with any questions.