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Connection Approach for Ontario's First Small Modular Nuclear Reactors

February 15, 2024

Ontario’s first Small Modular Reactor (SMR) is currently under development and scheduled to be connected to the grid by 2027 ahead of operation in 2029, with three additional SMRs scheduled to be in service by 2035. All four SMRs will be located at the Darlington nuclear generating site located in the Eastern GTA. Combined, these SMRs will represent 1,200 MW of new system capacity.

Recent studies, including the IESO’s Pathways to Decarbonization report and the subsequent direction the IESO received from the province’s Powering Ontario’s Growth plan, identified several system changes that will impact the transmission line network throughout the GTA.

Based on the revised outlook, the IESO updated its recommendations and identified a new connection point for this project, including the development of a new switching station. A new bulk system study is also being initiated to identify the scope of future transmission expansion required throughout the GTA.

The full report, including revised recommendations, is available on the IESO’s website.

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