November Stakeholder Engagement Meetings - Agenda Posted
November 2, 2023
The agenda for the November 21-22 engagement meetings is now available and registration is open. The November engagement meetings include:
- Market Rule Amendments (Chapter 3, Confidentiality, Dispute Resolution and Enforcement): Discuss proposed Market Rule Amendments to Chapter 3 (Confidentiality, Dispute Resolution and Enforcement) of the Market Rules
- Capacity Auction Enhancements: Present feedback received to date on the Capacity Auction enhancement objectives and discuss next steps for enhancements
- Transmitter Selection Framework: Provide an update on the Transmitter Selection Framework development, which the IESO is undertaking in response to the July 10, 2023 Letter from the Minister of Energy
- Small Hydro Program: Present proposed final documents and details of the Small Hydro Program launch
Interested participants can register now on the associated engagement web pages or on the agenda. In addition, please note that recordings and presentations from the October engagement meetings are now available.
Please contact with any questions.