Materials Posted for the November 27 IESO-OEB Joint Engagement Session
November 23, 2023
The OEB and IESO are hosting the next Joint Engagement on Distributed Energy Resources Integration on November 27, 2023. The Joint Engagement session will be held virtually from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
The OEB and IESO have jointly committed to host bi-annual stakeholder meetings to discuss the work of the two organizations as it relates to DERs. The November 27 meeting will include updates on cross-cutting issues and the work of the two organizations as it relates to DERs, including on the Joint DER Incentives Study. The meeting will also include a panel on the 2021 Grid Innovation Fund and Innovation Sandbox Challenge Projects. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback to the OEB and IESO following the meeting.
Interested participants can register now by clicking “register” on the DER Roadmap engagement web page.
Please contact with any questions.