October Stakeholder Engagement Meetings - Update
October 5, 2023
In addition to the previously announced engagements on the October 19-20 agenda, the IESO is adding a new engagement titled Expanding Third Party Access to the Smart Metering Data. This engagement will provide an opportunity for participants to give feedback on the expansion of smart meter data access beyond Canadian government entities. Notification will be provided to registrants upon posting of supporting engagement materials.
The agenda for this month’s engagements includes:
- Expanding Third Party Access to the Smart Metering Data
- Enabling Resources Program Update
- Market Renewal Program - Implementation
- Evolution of IESO’s Annual Planning Outlook and Annual Acquisition Report
Interested participants can register now by clicking “register” on the associated engagement webpage or on the agenda. Please contact engagement@ieso.ca with any questions
The session will take place during the IESO’s October Engagement Days on Friday, October 20, 2023 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. To register, please visit the IESO’s October Engagement Days agenda page to self-register for this session.