Technical Panel Market Rule Amendment Determinations
June 15, 2023
The Technical Panel voted to provisionally recommend market rule amendment proposals: MR-00452-R00, MR-00456-R00-R03 and MR-00461-R04 – Market Renewal Program (MRP): Market Settlements, Metering, Market Billing and Funds Administration to the IESO Board of Directors for review. The proposals amend the market rules to codify MRP’s Market Settlements framework.
In addition, the Technical Panel voted to recommend market rule amendment proposal MR-00476-R00 - 2023 Capacity Auction Enhancements – Stream 1 to the IESO Board of Directors for review. In preparation for the 2023 Capacity Auction, this proposal amends the market rules to make a series of enhancements related to the Capacity Auction.
The amendment proposals are available on the Proposed Market Rule Amendments web page.