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Retrofit Program Updates

April 20, 2023

Changes to the Save on Energy Retrofit program will come into effect on May 17, 2023. These program revisions have been made based on feedback received from program participants and Save on Energy Retrofit program delivery partners.

Changes include:

  • The custom stream for the Retrofit program is being re-introduced with an increased incentive rate of $1,200/kW or $0.13/kWh, whichever is greater. The incentive rate will be the same for both lighting and non-lighting projects.
  • The basis for the incentive calculation for networked lighting controls is changing from square feet of space controlled to kilowatt-hours saved. The new incentive rate is $0.35/kWh.
  • The incentive cap limit of $1 million per application is being removed for the program. Incentives will continue to be capped at 50 per cent of project costs.
  • A new program stream, Retrofit for Greenhouses, is being introduced. In this stream, participants will find common measures used by this sector, as well as a new incentive for advanced lighting controls for greenhouses.

More details on these changes are available here.

These changes are part of a series of planned, semi-annual updates that will be made to the program throughout the 2021-2024 period. The next program update is expected to be made in Fall 2023. A 30-day market notice period is provided for each semi-annual program update.

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