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Expedited Long-Term RFP - Update

January 5, 2023

In a letter received December 23, 2022, the Minister of Energy has asked the IESO to clarify the requirements in the E-LT1 contract surrounding municipal support confirmations.

In response to the letter, the IESO is issuing an addendum to the E-LT1 RFP, which is now posted on the Long-Term RFP web page. In addition to the addendum, the IESO has re-posted the E-LT1 - Prescribed Form - Notice of Change, and E-LT1 - Prescribed Form - Proponent Information, Declarations and Workbook to correct a technical error identified in the forms’ formatting.

The following documents have now been posted to the Long-Term RFP web page:

As announced last month, given the already established delays to the E-LT1 RFP, the IESO will be delaying the milestones originally contemplated for the LT1 RFP. For clarity, this includes the LT1 deliverability testing process, which will no longer open in January 2023. The IESO is working to establish revised schedules and milestones for the LT1 RFP and will be communicating them to stakeholders in early 2023.

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