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Reliable Integration Fee

December 8, 2022

A Reliable Integration Fee will be implemented on December 8, 2022. The IESO will apply the fee to recover costs associated with the activities it undertakes to reliably integrate changes into the IESO-controlled grid from the party that initiated the change. The costs associated with these activities are currently recovered from all loads in the province on a volumetric basis through the IESO’s usage fees.This new fee will ensure a more equitable distribution of costs associated with integrating changes to the grid.

The fee (Decision and Order EB-2022-0002) was approved by the OEB in August 2022 and the relevant market manual has been updated via baseline 48.1.

The fee will only apply to the IESO’s work associated with integrating changes that are initiated by a market participant or applicant on or after December 8, 2022. To determine whether a change was initiated by a market participant or applicant before or after December 8, 2022, the start date will be based on when contact was first made with Market Registration to begin registration activities for either a new participation type or for a new or modified facility.

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