Expedited Long-Term RFP and Same Technology Upgrade - Update
December 8, 2022
As the IESO continues to move forward with its efforts to procure the supply needed to meet the province’s upcoming electricity needs, two important postings related to the IESO’s resource acquisition efforts took place this week.
Expedited Process (E-LT1 RFP)
The final E-LT1 RFP, Contract and Prescribed Forms have been posted to the Long-Term RFP web page, officially launching the E-LT1 RFP procurement. The IESO will be accepting proposals until February 16, 2023 and any questions received will be addressed according to the question and comment period schedule outlined on the Long-Term RFP and Expedited Process web page.
Same Technology Upgrade
A final version of the Same Technology Upgrade Solicitations document including a final version of the submission form have also been posted on the Long-Term RFP and Expedited Process web page. The final documents were updated based on stakeholder feedback and to provide greater clarity and consistency between the solicitation documents. No substantive changes have been made to the eligibility or submission requirements.
Suppliers are reminded that the Same Technology Upgrade submissions are being accepted as of December 5, 2022 with a submission deadline of December 20, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. EST.
Please continue to direct any questions to lt.rfp@ieso.ca.