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Long-Term RFP for New Electricity Resources - Updated Schedule

November 3, 2022

The IESO is extending the schedule for the Expedited Process (E-LT1 RFP). The final E-LT1 procurement materials, which were scheduled to be published on November 1, will now be published on December 6. Changes to the proposal submission date and contract award date of the E-LT1 procurement will be communicated shortly.

The extension will provide proponents additional time to engage with communities and consider the outcomes of the deliverability assessment process. It will also provide time for developers to evaluate the Canada Infrastructure Bank’s proposed financing product which may reduce proposal prices and in turn ratepayer costs.

The IESO will use this additional time to engage on the final revenue model for storage resources and to finalize the E-LT1 procurement materials based on the latest round of stakeholder feedback.

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