October Stakeholder Engagement Meetings - Agenda Posted
October 6, 2022
The agenda for the October 24-25 stakeholder engagement meetings is now available, and registration is open. The October engagement meetings will include:
Hybrid Integration Project: An overview of the implementation timelines for foundational hybrid models and a review of the design and implementation requirements for enabling the co-located model in the current IESO-Administered Markets.
Market Registration Guidelines: An overview of proposed changes to the registration timeline guidelines to improve the registration process for both the IESO and Market Participants.
Capacity Auction – General Session: An overview of the IESO’s response to stakeholder feedback, an update on Capacity Auction engagement topics, and a review of Market Rule/Manual Batch #1.
Capacity Auction – Technical Session: A detailed discussion on the Demand Curve Review and Standby Availability Charge.
The Capacity Auction engagement sessions will be hybrid with both an in-person and virtual option for attendees. Please identify if you intend to join in-person via the registration process.
Register now by clicking “register” on the associated engagement web pages or on the agenda. In addition, please note that recordings and presentations from the September engagement meetings are now available. Please contact engagement@ieso.ca with any questions.